Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Finally got some answers: FBI-SJC EMT proposed ride-alongs

Update: Commissioners Krista Keating Joseph and Isaac Henry Dean both did their jobs, taking the item off the consent agenda.  The contact should never have been on the consent agenda.  Not exactly a model of legal drafting, reflecting County Attorney's over reliance on form book answers.  Look forward to FBI Special Agent in Charge making a presentation.  Enough rubber-stamping and baby-talking.  It's our money. It's our County.


What's going on here? 

Subject: St, Johns County Commission, Consent agenda item 28, SJC BoCC August 6, 2024 meeting --FBI-SJC MOU



Dear St. Johns County Commission Chair Arnold, County Administrator Andrews, Interim County Attorney Komando, SJCFL Chief McGee, Chief Robshaw, Sheriff Hardwick, St. Johns County Commissioners and SJC County staff


I am writing about proposed August 6, 2024 St. Johns County Commission "Consent Agenda" Item No. 28, FBI-SJC MOU on ride-alongs with EMTs.  


Does this proposal violate the Restatement of Contracts,  2nd, Section 178, and Florida law, as a contract "violation of public policy?"  Please opine in writing tomorrow morning, August 5, 2024. Please plade response and on our County website:


A.  Our St. Johns County Commission Board policies, at Rule 1.511, state: 


The County Administrator is to negotiate leases, contracts and other agreements, including

consultant services, for the Board, subject to approval of the Board, and make recommendations 

concerning the nature and location of Board funded improvements.

The County Administrator is to see that all terms and conditions in all Board leases, contracts and

agreements are performed and notify the Board of any noted violation thereof.

B.. Please delete and remove August 6, 2024 BoCC meeting Consent Agenda Item No. 28. 

C. Kindly refer the proposed SJC-FBI MOU to our County Administrator and County Attorney to explain it.  

D. Please direct that the County Administrator and County Attorney kindly provide tomrmow written reports about the background, need, history, policies and contract formation documents of this MOU..

E. Please direct our St. Johns County Administrator, Ms. Joy Q. Andews,  and our current putative "Interim" (sic). SJC County Attorney, RICHARD KOMANDO, a political patronage appointee, who was hired contrary to public policy (without  advance notice or open application, solely on the recommendation of Governor DeSANTIS-appointed Vice Chair ROY ALYRE ALAIMO, JR. as his "friend")  to answer in writing the following questions:

1.  Who proposed the FBI-SJC ride-along agreement?  

2. What is purpose? 

3. Who wrote document?  

4. Please provide all related docuemnts.

5. Have such FBI ride-alongs taken place before? 

6. If so, on what date(s)?  Please send documents tomorrow

7.  Why is written agreement deemed necessary now?

8.  Please provide all contract formation documents.

9.  Please show courtesy. 

10. Kindly invite the Jacksonville, Florida FBI Special Agent-in- Charge (SAC), the Honorable Kristin Rehler, to attend a future  open public County Commission meeting and to present the proposed the FBI-SJC MOU at a time certain.

11. Then, with robust and uninhibited public comment, placing it on a proper future regular agenda, please provide a revised MOU, provided that it contains a signature block for the County Administrator and County Attorney and complies with  County, constitutional, federal and state law..

12.. We, the People of St. Johns County, respectfully  reject our on current inept SJC County government's abuse of SJC BoCC consent agendas, an abuse of power.  

13. Our SJC citizens, future citizens, and our new FBI Jacksonville SAC, Special Agent ALL deserve to be treated with respect by SJC from this day forward.  As the late, great U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said, "Secrecy is for losers -- for people who don't understand the value of the information."  


Kristin Rehler named special agent in charge of FBI Jacksonville Office....

Welcome, Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Kristin Rehler, who is our new FBI Special Agent-in-Charge in Jacksonvill...




Thank you.

With kindest regards, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Ed Slavin

Box 3084

St. Augustine, Florida 32085-3084


Fred Powell said...

There is ZERO reason why they need to allow spies to ride along with anyone in this county..let alone EMTs. The reasons they (FBI) will give for wanting to do that will be dishonest. Spies are never honest. You people better wake up. The FBI is no longer a straight up law enforcement organization. That's common knowledge.

Becky said...

The federal judiciary is good although they do turn their heads as the executive runs roughshod over the constitution as they're backed by attorneys with unlimited funds. Plenty of chances for public sector attorneys to challenge many things coming out of these federal agencies these days. Mainly people who work for these agencies who feel justified in treating people however they wish just because they are in a position of legal strength relative to the average joe. This will continue to be a problem well into the future until the judiciary grows a spine and starts to tackle some modern day problems with what some of these agencies do. I see no reason for the county to do business with the fed in a meaningful way until a few things get tidied up.