Sunday, October 05, 2014


  1. Regarding this; "Meanwhile, not one elected official or clergyperson has yet joined more than 172,000 people who have petitioned for an inquest into the September 2, 2010 shooting death of a St. Johns County Sheriff's deputy's girlfriend, with the deputy's gun, in the deputy's home, shortly after his girlfriend ended the relationship."

    Good on you Ed for the above statement. I have been railing about the immoral silence of elected public officials, clergy, and many other social groups in the city, for years now, and even, the greater silence of our current crop of wannabe public officials. Let's not leave them out of the immorality at play here in the nation's oldest despotism. Their selective silence and deflective focus to comparatively trivial issues is as heinous as the many crimes they make themselves complicit in with their cowardly sniveling deflections and silence. This election, as they would have you believe, is not about zoning, road repairs, and how much money we should spend on celebrating the milestones of 'evil as practiced' societally debilitating tourism. This election is about more of the same, bogus, contrived, tightly controlled and orchestrated electoral theater that seeks to make citizens believe that they have a dog in the hunt when they do not. In this now transparently apocryphal process the ever increasing, ever more societally degrading issues, that 'our' candidates should be discussing are intentionally swept under the rug.

    Where is the candidate's talk of right and wrong?

    Where is the candidate's talk of morality?

    Where is the candidate's talk of Evilism and Xtrevilism?

    Where is the discussion of; Systemic Corruption? Mysogyny? Arrogance? Rogue Cops? Collusion? Murder? Conspiracy? Cover Ups? Genocide Of The Homeless? Banning And Confiscating Newspapers? Blackmail? Fear Mongering? Labor And Price Fixing? Pittance Employee Wages With Marginal Insurance Or No Insurance? Hijacked Government? Theft Of The Public Commons? Gross Social Inequality? Social Degradation? Piggish Wealth? Etc...

    Where is the discussion of the intentional menticide that has shifted our society's values from once dominant good and strong family oriented moral values — values of fairness, love, respect, opportunity, togetherness, hope, desire, etc. — to elite XtrÄ“vilist corporate values that instead instill and normalize; preemptive war, fear, divisiveness, hate, racism, torture, greed is good, homelessness, extra judicial assassinations, wealth adoration, etc.

    Why are our candidates such cowards and so unwilling to speak about and take a stand on the real issues that count?

    Saint Augustine, a quaint little evil despotism with a severe problem of immorality.

    See Nancy Shaver 12/23/2013 Record letter.

    Righteous reasoning re: independent investigation!
    (Incorrect federal judicial district and US Atty mailing address, but nobody's perfect).

  3. Letter written five months before Nancy Shaver decided ti run. Credit where credit is due --she and Clara Waldhari and Ben Rich, Sr. spoke out. Courage.

  4. Courage, or manipulation Ed? Pardon me if I remain skeptical as to her motive. Manipulation is what politicians do and I base most of my assessment on her softball formula deflective platform.

    Nancy Shaver is well aware that political or marketing campaigns pose many multichannel marketing challenges; response attribution, campaign coordination, targeted messaging, pre-planning, budget allocation, identity resolution, etc. She is also well aware of the marketing term "favorite child syndrome", which I believe she is not only irretrievably stuck in but can not deviate from without blowing her campaign. Why? Because the past habit driven loyalties of citizens to the system are diminishing at an exponential rate in our increasingly dynamic world. If Nancy Shaver is the courageous individual you make her out to be I will look forward to her adjusting her identity resolution and targeted messaging to fit the new dynamic and speaking out at the River House candidates forum tomorrow evening about the intentionally ignored issues I have already raised and which I repeat here;

    "Where is the discussion of ; Systemic Corruption? Mysogyny? Arrogance? Rogue Cops? Collusion? Murder? Conspiracy? Genocide Of The Homeless? Banning And Confiscating Newspapers? Blackmail? Fear Mongering? Labor And Price Fixing? Pittance Employee Wages With Marginal Insurance Or No Insurance? Hijacked Government? Theft Of The Public Commons? Gross Social Inequality? Social Degradation? Piggish Wealth? Etc..."

    It was not my intention to beat up on Nancy Shaver in this thread, you brought her up Ed, but thanks for the opportunity to discuss the need for a lot more skepticism in government and the dire need for a system that will address the real issues. And thanks also for allowing me to point out that the real power is in the people, working together outside the system, to move and change the system. You can vote with your actions on the public commons every day — keep hammering! Visualize Jeremy Banks getting what he deserves. Visualize Sheriff David Shoar dressed in orange. Visualize justice for Michelle O'Connell.

  5. I was at Michelle's grave today, her 29th birthday. We must work for justice on this planet. The O'Connell family and friends will prevail.
    I believe that We, The People, will win justice for Michelle O'Connell and Save Our City from Greed.
