Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Times-Union Letter re: Ancien Regime's Sunshine Violation Excuses

Obey the law
I read with interest the protests about enforcing Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Law.

It seems that many do not want the law enforced when it comes to present day officeholders.

I think they need to be reminded of the "good old days" before consolidation.

Backroom meetings were held by the ruling party, and the decisions were made without public input and before the regular meeting of a public body.

The "good old boy" syndrome is part of what led to the Sunshine Law being enacted. And, like it or not, the majority party is now acting like those good old boys.

I disagree with a recent letter writer who said the law was "too broad."

To put the intent of the law in simple words: "No public business will be discussed outside of a properly scheduled meeting, which has been advertised to the public and the public invited to come forth and present their thoughts."

The only place to discuss the public's business is in the properly advertised location, at the appointed time and before the public.

Now what is so difficult about that? What do they have to hide?

Maybe we should include the Sunshine Law as the 11th commandment: Thou shall not meet to conduct public business at places or times not duly advertised and scheduled.

Maybe then they will heed and obey the law.

DONALD G. DISHMAN SR., Jacksonville

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