Friday, August 31, 2007

Letter: January tax vote threatens health, safety

Letter: January tax vote threatens health, safety

Mike Carter
St. Augustine
Publication Date: 08/31/07

Editor: These are uncertain times for your St. Johns County firefighters and paramedics and, by extension, the thousands of citizens we serve. In our view, the proposed property tax referendum Jan. 29 is a threat to the health and safety of every St. Johns County resident.

During the last decade, the leaders of your Fire-Rescue Department have transformed an all-volunteer fire force into one of the best trained, best-led professional fire departments in Florida. This transformation from part-time to professional has saved thousands of lives and millions of dollars in property.

The January referendum threatens to turn back the clock and deal a serious blow to fire-rescue responses in the county. While state officials claim the referendum won't harm public safety, the numbers simply do not add up. If approved, the January referendum will lead to fewer fire stations, fire trucks and ambulances -- to say nothing of the dedicated firefighters and paramedics who staff them. The county's booming northern suburbs will be hardest hit, as new communities like Palencia, Nocatee and others are counting on new stations to protect homes and families. The potential tax benefit to homeowners could be offset by higher insurance rates due to the inadequate fire coverage.

As homeowners and taxpayers, our families have had to share the burden caused by rising property values in this rapidly expanding county. The notion of lower tax bills is inherently seductive. But as firefighters and paramedics, our first duty is to protect and serve the residents. In our opinion, the referendum threatens to make this county more vulnerable.

We look forward to helping educate residents of the risks associated with the Legislature's plan.

Mike Carter,


St. Johns County Firefighters and Paramedics Union

I.A.F.F. Local 3865

St. Augustine

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