Friday, February 15, 2008

Letter: Soup kitchen wrecks plan to revive buildings

Letter: Soup kitchen wrecks plan to revive buildings

Philip Nash
Publication Date: 02/15/08

Editor: I have owned the vacant properties in Lincolnville at 82, 84, and 86 Washington St. for approximately eight years. I've just read the second story in The Record on vacant buildings in Lincolnville, and thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.

The building at 86 Washington St. holds the shell of what was once The Cameo Theatre, a movie theatre built by the Barrett family (white) in 1947 to show films to a black audience. I bought that property in 1999 hoping to do something with it that might add to the community. I made the miscalculation of thinking that St. Francis House would not be in its current location much longer, and I'd be able to make something happen there. I have given up on the endeavor, and the properties sit vacant with a "For Sale" sign in front.

When I bought the properties I assumed that it was only a short matter of time before it became obvious to everyone, that a magnet for transient men in a residential neighborhood was not a healthy entity.

I hope it's not necessary for me to educate anyone on what a mess St. Francis House has made of the surrounding area over the years. I know there's a big effort in the works for relocation, and hopefully someday it will actually happen. Until then I think you can expect Lincolnville, and especially Washington Street to suffer such difficulties as described in the paper.

Philip Nash

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