Thursday, May 22, 2008

"I Have Sworn, Upon the Altar of Almighty God, Eternal Hostility Over Every Form of Tyranny Over the Mind" of Humankind -- Thomas Jefferson

I've litigated and won nuclear powerplant and nuclear weapons plant whistleblower cases. The nasty 'ole nuclear industry is too often run by tyrants who suppress worker free speech.
We don't want your stinking badges here -- or your thermal pollution -- or your endemic retaliation against employees with a brain, simply seeking to do their jobs without fear or favor.
To hell with FPL, General Electric, ITT and anyone else who might think they can put a nuclear powerplant in Northeast Florida.
If they come to Northeast Florida with plans to destroy our water, tourism, ocean, land and water, they'll be running into a buzz saw.
When the City of St. Augustine dumped solid waste in our Old City Reservoir, we were all over them like a chicken on a junebug (and still are).
Go ahead, make my day -- if the nuclear industry tries to destroy Northeast Florida, we'll be after them, again and again and again.
Count on it!

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