In secret, behind locked gates, our Nation's Oldest City dumped a landfill in a lake (Old City Reservoir), while emitting sewage in our rivers and salt marsh. Organized citizens exposed and defeated pollution, racism and cronyism. We elected a new Mayor. We're transforming our City -- advanced citizenship. Ask questions. Make disclosures. Demand answers. Be involved. Expect democracy. Report and expose corruption. Smile! Help enact a St. Augustine National Park and Seashore. We shall overcome!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Here's An Excerpt From Baby-Faced Soldier Mark Miner's Indecent Assault on Anti-War Movie and "Liberals"
And they claimed that Commissioner Ben Rich has anger management issues. Mark Miner sounds like a bomb about to go off!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Stop - Loss
This is one of those topics that infuriates me.
Stop-Loss is a valid contractual agreement that EVERYONE who enlists in the military has absolutely NO reason whatsoever to complain about.
Every enlistment is eight years. If someone enlists for four years on active duty, then they do four additional years in the IRR (Inactive Ready Reserves). If someone enlists for two years active duty, then they are in the IRR for six years. It goes the same for the reserve and National Guard components.
My enlistment is six years in the ready reserves, meaning for six years I train one weekend a month and for two weeks in the summer. Once my six years is up I will do two years in IRR status.
While in IRR status, a member of the military does not train. However, they can be activated. Hence the term stop-loss. So no matter how long you enlist, you can be deployed for eight years. Period.
Any member of the military that gets stop-lossed has only themselves to blame. They signed on the line and raised their hand. This stipulation is in EVERY enlisted contract. Considering we are an all voluntary military, I am sick of hearing about this. No one had a gun to their head when they VOLUNTEERED to join the military.
Additionally, when you join the American Armed Forces, there is no stipulation in the contract that says you get to choose which wars you will fight and when you will fight them. Soldiers do not dictate policy, they enforce it.
MTV films has made another film about crap that liberal America and ignorant college kids are going to eat up and make their next big talking point. No wonder it opened #7 at the box office after an extensive and costly PR campaign leading up to last nights opening.
Get over it. Hey Hollywood, how about supporting the troops for once. Believe it or not, most American's are proud of their country and proud of their military and don't want to see a movie about the .01% of morons in the service.
The other 99.99% of us in the military are disgusted by this trash.
Enjoy your freedom.
Posted by Mark P. Miner at 3/29/2008 02:47:00 PM
Enjoy your freedom? As if Marky P. Miner had delivered it? Get over yourself, you fulsome punk.
My father machine-gunned Nazis for our right to criticize our government.
People are forced into joining the military by economic circusmtances.
Miner's dedication to contract law principles, while touching, is unavailing.
Miner's attempt to coerce, restrain and chill free speech rights suggests you are unfit to wear the uniform, or to serve on the St. Johns County Commission. Servicemen and women are not mice in your pockets (or CSX's for that matter).
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