Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our Nation's Oldest City's Government May Not Even Discuss Replacing Shredded Sewage Outfall Pipe at its July 14, 2008 Meeting at 5 PM, 75 King St.

because it's on the "Consent Agenda" -- government-speak for "they won't talk about it" because we don't have to -- they're cognitive misers and they have contempt for the people.

The Consent Agenda item is demurely listed as "Authorization for appropriation from the Utility Fund Reserves for the WWTP Outfall Pipe Replacement." To you and me, WWTP is the City's Waste Water Treatment Plant, a/k/a the stinky sewage plant in the historically African-American community of Lincolnville.

Look at the "pipe" (below). It's way beyond being called a "pipe" now. Calling it "Swiss cheese" is damning with faint praise.

Our City Manager needs to be hailed before a Grand Jury. People responsible for intentional pollution must be investigated,indicted, arrested and jailed.

No more lies.

No more attaboys.

No more winks snd nudges.

It's time for them to go.

WILLIAM. B. HARRISS Photo credit: J.D. Pleasant

WILLIAM. B. HARRISS Photo credit: J.D. Pleasant

WILLIAM. B. HARRISS Photo credit: J.D. Pleasant

WILLIAM. B. HARRISS Photo credit: J.D. Pleasant

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