Saturday, October 18, 2008

Comments posted by readers at

Comments posted by readers at

Publication Date: 10/18/08

Here is a sampling of what readers posted on our Web site,, Friday expressing their reaction to the indictment of St. Johns County Commission Chairman Tom Manuel:

Posted by: Watchinourbucks: Tell me it isn't so !!! Charged with taking a bribe, twice, ???

With only 20 % of the BCC voting power, why would an individual or corporation risk an "investment" of this type? With whom did these dalliances occur?

Posted by: Schmidtgeorge: There's nothing to think about. Manuel should resign immediately.

Posted by: Activevoter: He should resign IMMEDIATELY. I, for one, have had, and heard, enough of this drama. Let the County get on with business at hand and place this embarrassment behind us.

Posted by: Finder: With only 20 percent of the BCC voting power, why would an individual or corporation risk an "investment" of this type? With whom did these dalliances occur?

Since everyone knows that Manuel didn't scratch his butt without the support and assistance of Ben Rich (and vice versa), that answer should be obvious. Apparently, Manuel always knew that Rich, at the very least, would go along with everything he pushed for... as he always has.

It's also important to remember that these specific two bribery counts were only the one's Manuel was 'caught' at. We have to wonder what else he didn't get caught at.

Maybe now the county will wake up to the spin and rhetoric that Manuel and Rich have used against all those 'evil greedy developers,' -- a non issue in reality. What we truly have to fear are 'evil greedy commissioners,' and many (although too few) of us have understood that all along.

Posted by: tinawilson: Tom Manuel has an ego the size of Texas -- I doubt he has the integrity of character to resign. If he were concerned about doing the right thing, he would have resigned in June. Instead, he denied he was under investigation (which we all knew he was) he denied he was approached at the restaurant in Jacksonville Beach and went so far as to threaten the newspaper editor with a lawsuit if they printed the story and now he enters a plea of "not guilty."

I have to ask, what exactly is he "not guilty" of?

Posted by: lilysmom: He should quit immediately! I wonder who he'll take down with him? Can anyone say Ben Rich!

Posted by: NicoleSue87: He weighs (resigning)? What? Are you serious? This man should quit ASAP... or somehow he should be displaced from his seat for ethics violations... this just really disgusts me. Fat cat, ego the size of Canada..... makes me want to vomit.

Posted by: Islandgirl080: Well people, this should help you determine if the charter is a good idea or NOT!!

Vote NO!

The charter is a selfishly motivated pet project of Manual, no wonder he was so (upset) when it failed, somebody was going to want their money back!!!

Posted by: mgeronimo: He's indicted for taking two bribes in the last four months, but the FBI investigation has been going on for over a year...hmmmmm....

Posted by: alfordwd: If you want him out so bad, call /e-mail /write Charlie Crist. He can do it, and you won't have to waste your time doing these postings!

Posted by: siobhan1970: Weighing (resignation)?! ARE YOU SERIOUS? must have been pretty easy for Manuel to cut, cut, cut... cut funding to programs for the indigent, cut raises, cut employees, etc... and bellow the "tighten your belts" battle cry, all over the county, when he was taking at least $60 thousand on the sly ... proud to say I did not vote for him!

Posted by: justwondering: alfordwd -- there are other sites for you to spend your time reading and providing comments. I don't view any posting to this site as a person's waste of time.

Posted by: cptnbuzz: If Manuel had the slightest concern for the public's interest, ahead of his own, he would resign immediately.

Posted by: gotlucky: "Everyone knows that Manuel didn't scratch his butt without the support and assistance of Ben Rich..." Finder, I love it! Can I borrow that line sometime?

Posted by: steve1: We need to recall the other two commissioners and the new one before he takes office because they have all scratched each others butts (birds of a feather stick together).

Posted by: schmidtgeorge: I hope Gov. Crist acts quickly to remove Manuel from office. Better yet, he should do the right thing and resign immediately.

Posted by: nonspook: This is just the tip of the iceberg ... who's next, when he turns State's Evidence for a lesser sentence ?

Posted by: Chefbuck: Hard to believe he's the only one!

Posted by: TG: Fire them all and lets start over!

Posted by: NicoleSue87: Believe me Manuel is not the first county commissioner to do this kind of thing...Most of the good ole boys in this town are dug in deep.... What you want to bet he only gets a slap on the wrist?

Posted by: chancex: nichole sue87, I know our system here isn't perfect but if you really can't stand the so-called [good ole boys] in this lovely town we have, you do know I-95 runs north, don't you?

Posted by: acureforgravity: "What you want to bet he only gets a slap on the wrist...." Of course, or a few months in a country club 'prison' at worst. Personally I'd be happier to see him swinging from a lamp post with those who bribed him twisting in the wind on either side.

Posted by: TheOldManandthesea: Good old Boy? Sorry, he's a transplant like most of ya. The good ole boys got railroaded a long time ago. Wish we had 'em back. Wasn't much you wouldn't do for your neighbor in those days. Now it's see what you can do TO your neighbor :-).

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