Monday, October 27, 2008

Record Endorsement of Reprobate JOHN MICA Rooted Solely in Pork Barrel Earmarks, Not Any Legitimate Legislative Accomplishments

Letter: Can't afford earmarks for local projects

Todd D. Ritter
St. Augustine
Publication Date: 10/25/08

Editor: Your endorsement of U.S. Rep. John Mica in your editorial on Oct. 22, was interesting. You mentioned his gaining federal funds for six large projects in the area. That is to be commended if the purpose of going to Washington is to get federal funds.

Unfortunately, we have 435 Representatives and 100 Senators who want all they can get for their districts.

The recent $700 billion "Bailout Bill" only passed because of 140 billion extra for "earmarks." I bet none of them were for defense but for "Bridges to Nowhere" and "Wooden Arrows."

We can't afford much more of this. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, said "Do not ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." That was 48 years ago and completely forgotten.

Todd D. Ritter

St. Augustine

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