Monday, January 26, 2009

Right-wing Hate Letter Printed in St. Augustine Record January 24th

Letter: Obama's concern for Muslims worrisome

Susan A. Feightner
Ponte Vedra Beach
Publication Date: 01/24/09

Editor: The letter of Jan. 22, "Hatred of Bush hurt U.S.," was written to rally support for the new president and to lament the hate surrounding the previous president.

The writer urged us all to give the new guy all the support we can muster and eliminate the hatred but not before he himself managed to bash President George Bush one last time. The writer lost his point, as dull as it was.

Interestingly, the president he bashed is responsible for keeping him safe.

President Barack Hussein Obama's first act out of the gate is to protect and cradle the Muslims at Guantanamo Bay. Top of his list. First executive order. Forget national security, forget the injustice to the families of 9/11, forget the consequences to all of us, Those Muslim terrorists held the highest priority to him. Makes you want to keep your guns loaded, doesn't it?

Susan A. Feightner

Ponte Vedra Beach

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