Thursday, January 29, 2009

St. Augustine Record Owner Hires Bankruptcy Lawyers

See below.

When in the course of human events, a newspaper ceases to publish the news and becomes a PR vehicle for politicians, developers and con artists like ROBERT MICHAEL GRAUARD, there's little wonder that it will loses customers?

Why subscribe to a newspaper that is in the tank for Republicans and ignores campaigns by Democrats for Congress and City Hall (like Faye Armitage and Judith Seraphin)?

We look forward to the St. Augustine WReckord having new management, supervised by a bankruptcy judge.

We look forward to the St. Augustine WReckord practicing journalism instead of coverups.

We look forward to the St. Augustine WReckord rehiring fired cartoonist Ed Hall.

We look forward to the St. Augustine WReckord reporting all the news, without fear or favor.

Is that too much to ask? See below.

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