Monday, July 13, 2009

How Many Local Officials and Their Entourages Are Still Posting on KKK-Style Hate Websites?

Local governments that expect the world to come here for three big anniversaries in 2013-2015 need to clean up their acts. The three anniversaries:

2013 -- 500th Anniversary of Spanish in Florida

2014-- 50th Anniversary of 1964 Civil Rights Act and local desegregation demonstrations

2015 450th Anniversary of St. Augustine's founding

Racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, homeless-baiting, pestilential right-wing websites with postings by Commissioners, counsel and entourages are beneath the dignity of a free people. Your sins have found you out.

St. Augustine is challenged by an ethically challenged electronic klavern with illiterate ramblings from government officials, developers and their entourages, complete with obscene raillery against everything from President Obama, to local progressives, to the proposed St. Augustine National HIstorical Park, Seashore and Scenic Coastal Parkway.

To the City and County officials responsible for these hate sites and their trite tropes and all their works and pomps, God forgive you for your attempt to intimidate, coerce, restrain and censor First Amendment protected activity with hatred and lies.

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