Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Letter: Police patrols needed on bayfront

Dave Smith
St. Augustine
Publication Date: 08/10/09

Editor: I drive downtown several times a week and at different times. I do not see carriages or trolleys as the main problem. I see vehicles speeding while others are sightseeing and not paying attention, and some doing both. I also do not see cars stopping at the crosswalks, and if they do, the car behind them may not stop.

What I do not see is any police presence.

I would suggest that the speed limit be lowered to 20 mph northbound along Avenida Menendez where the carriages park, not just at the curve. Install several speed bumps possibly before the crosswalks with openings to allow the carriages to pass through. Then, lower the crosswalk signs to eye level like stop signs, and put one in the middle of the crosswalk.

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