Friday, May 28, 2010

NEWS THAT MORRIS PUBLISHING’S St. Augustine WRecKord Won’t Cover

Congressman JOHN LUIGI MICA’s daughter (D’ANNE LEIGH MICA) was a no-show at her DUI hearing, resulting in Failure to Appear (FTA) charges (see below). No word from the “Chain Gang Journalists” (sic) at the St. Augustine WRecKord. The controlling MORRIS family of Augusta, Georgia like MICA and they don’t want you to know, I reckon.
Local con artist LYDIA CLADEK has been sued twice in two months for fraud by the Justice Department, which alleges she had a gigantic Ponzi scheme converting millions of dollars of investors’ funds to her own use. No word from the “Chain Gang Journalists” (sic) at the St. Augustine WRecKord. The controlling MORRIS family of Augusta, Georgia must not want you to know that either, I reckon.
Two cities – St. Augustine and St. Augustine Beach – passed resolutions against offshore oil drilling, but the WRecKord got snippy with me, refusing to cover either event for some nine days after the SAB resolution, with WRecKord editor Peter Ellis proclaiming it wasn’t “important” that two local governments have acted as the conscience of our community vis a vis Big Oil. I reckon the coverup was related to the fact that the MORRIS family loves JOHN LUIGI MICA, our corrupt Congressman, who has received more than $100,000 in Big Oil money and supports not only offshore oil drilling, but also drilling in the Everglades National Park. This ninny’s brothers are lobbyists (DAVID MICA works for Big Oil) and his children are lobbyists (both working for oil and petrochemical interests). MICA has said his favorite people on Earth are lobbyists.
What do you reckon?

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