Thursday, July 29, 2010

IN HAEC VERBA: In case you were wondering why the Bridge of Lions lights were burning in the daytime, ask SKANSKA and FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY

Good afternoon Mr. Slavin,

Below is a response to the telephone message you left at my office regarding who pays the light bill on the Bridge of Lions and asking why the lights are on every morning. Skanska currently pays the light bill for the Bridge of Lions. The lights have remained turned on since last Friday evening, July 23, 2010. A contactor had burned and had to be temporarily bypassed in order to maintain light on the Bridge of Lions at night. Because the contactor is temporarily bypassed, the lights remain on. The contactor appears to have been damaged as a result of the FP&L power outage last Friday afternoon, July 23, 2010. The contactor will be replaced.


Laurie Sanderson
Public Information Officer
Bridge of Lions Rehabilitation Project
(904) 825-3647

Dear Ms. Sanderson:
Thank you for your response. Will DOT and SKANSKA seek compensation from FP&L, or will SKANSKA agree not to bill DOT?
Thank you.
Ed Slavin

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