Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Two Cheers for AG Pam Bondi's Naming Dave Aronberg and Pat Gleason as Special Counsels

New Florida AG Pam Bondi has an article in today's Wall Street Journal, continuing the attack on Democratic health care reform. This misbegotten effort should fail.

However, AG Bondi deserves credit and cheers for two appointments -- former Senator Dave Aronberg as Special Counsel to shut down Pill Mills and former Secretary to the Cabinet Pat Gleason as Special Counsel for Open Government.

Aronberg was our choice for Attorney General, and he ran a strong race in which he made clear that British Petroleum must pay for its environmental crimes.

Gleason has been a stalwart for more than 30 years on protecting Floridians' constitutional and civil rights to Open Records and Government in the Sunshine. She long served in the AG's office and moved to the Governor's office when Charles Crist was elected. Four years ago, I was impressed when Gleason sent me an E-mail on New Year's Day, the day before Crist was inaugurated as Governor. Her hard work and dedication have helped open the process of government to "We, the People."

Thank you, AG Bondi, for two wise appointments.

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