Friday, March 11, 2011

Republican Senator John Thrasher Wants to Trash State Parks with Golf Courses -- Record Readers Thrash Thrasher

St. Augustine Record
Thrasher's golf bill draws fire
Public balks at senator's proposal to build private courses in state parks
Posted: March 11, 2011 - 12:03am


Some Florida newspapers have already begun attacking two bills filed Tuesday by state Sen. John Thrasher, R-St. Augustine, and Rep. Patrick Rooney, R-West Palm Beach, both of which propose building five private golf courses in Florida state parks.

Inspiration for the plan comes from Thrasher and is supported by Gov. Rick Scott, accounts said.

A St. Petersburg Times editorial published Wednesday called their plan "a financially irresponsible triple bogey of an idea" and said these bills would result in "tens of thousands of acres of environmentally sensitive public land owned by taxpayers (becoming) five more fertilizer-saturated playgrounds for golfers."

Florida already has 1,000 to 1,200 golf courses, more than any other state.

The economic justification for the proposal is "to stimulate the growth of tourism and the economy by enhancing the state's reputation as a premier golfing destination and encouraging the location of public golf facilities within Florida's existing state parks."

Some alternative proposals include references to college campuses and Water Management District land.

Sarah Owen Gledhill of the Florida Wildlife Federation said Thursday the purpose of parks is to provide "passive recreation in a pristine environment. I don't see a need to build more golf courses in the state."

Thrasher could not be reached for comment. Rooney did not return phone calls.

Thrasher's and Rooney's proposals, Senate Bill 1846 and House Bill 1239, require the state Division of Recreation and Parks to pay 71-year-old championship golfer Jack Nicklaus $2.5 million to design and build five courses in every region of the state, creating a "Jack Nicklaus Golf Trail" around Florida.

Nicklaus would design one park -- Jonathan Dickinson State Park, just south of Stuart -- for free.

For the other four, he would charge $625,000 each, half his usual rate for designing golf courses.

Other aspects of their bills include: * Building a hotel in each park to house visiting golfers.

* Exempting the course and hotel from city and county regulations.

* Entitling each course to acquire a liquor license.

* Requiring them to be built in "an environmentally sensitive manner."

* Construction costs coming from revenue bonds and paid back by greens fees.

The Times editorial said the Legislature and Gov. Rick Scott are expected to lay off thousands of state workers and force pension costs on those who remain.

Instead of Florida being "ruled by fiscally conservative Republicans who believe in local control, abhor government giveaways and (who promised) to run the state with the competitive efficiency of business," these high-minded ideals "get duck-hooked into the woods," the Times wrote.

Gledhill quoted the American Association of Realtors as saying developers used to build entire communities around golf courses, but that is less likely to happen now.

"We're already satisfying the needs of the golf community," she said.

Many Florida golf courses are struggling to attract players, and many have been forced to close.

And, the Times said, "(State) parks, hailed as the best in the nation, offer everything from rivers for kayaking to beaches for soaking in the sun to forest trails for extended hiking."

Summary texts of both bills

HB 1239

Jack Nicklaus Golf Trail of Florida: Requires DEP's Division of Recreation & Parks to establish & supervise operation of Jack Nicklaus Golf Trail of Florida; requires construction of public golf facility in each park region; provides for locations & amenities of public golf facilities; requires division to contract with golf course development company for design, construction, & development of, & enter into long-term lease for operation of, public golf facilities; provides qualifications for golf course development company; authorizes issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses for public golf facilities; provides for preemption of certain regulations adopted by counties, municipalities, & political subdivisions; provides that act supersedes other laws & agency rules; authorizes DBF to issue revenue bonds for design, construction, & development of public golf facilities; provides for disbursement, use, & repayment of bond proceeds.

EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2011

SB 1846

Jack Nicklaus Golf Trail; Cites this act as the "Jack Nicklaus Golf Trail of Florida Act." Requires the Division of Recreation and Parks of the Department of Environmental Protection to supervise the design and construction of the Jack Nicklaus Golf Trail. Specifies the locations and the requirements for the public golf facilities in state parks. Requires the division to coordinate with Jack Nicklaus and the company selected to identify state park locations. Authorizes the division to approve additional public golf facilities, etc.

EFFECTIVE DATE: upon becoming a law

What an idiot
By St Johns Guy | 03/10/11 - 11:11 pm

I am an ultra-conservative Republican who loves to play golf. I believe that we should aggressively seek ways to get our State parks to be self supporting. But, I think this is the stupidest idea I have ever heard of. The vast majority of golf courses lose money. We are going to borrow money to build golf courses? In this environment? I am so very sorry that I supported this man in his election.

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Do the math
By parent | 03/10/11 - 11:12 pm

Follow the money. This has to be the biggest art of distraction. Focus must be given to education and everyone is now talking about golf courses. We've got more than 1200 courses in this state and no waiting time. No one has the money to play. Oh wait, the politicians are golfing with their lobbyists. You can't fix stupid!

To question is to be an American Patriot

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The Most Idiotic Idea
By paradisefl1 | 03/10/11 - 11:18 pm

to EVER come out of Tallahassee..

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By HAZ | 03/11/11 - 02:02 am

It will grow the economy, and create jobs!, unlike. high speed rail. (boondoggle)

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By HAZ | 03/11/11 - 02:04 am


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By paradisefl1 | 03/11/11 - 03:45 am

hitting Japan will affect the West Coast of the US by 8:30-9:00 AM..

Call Anyone you know on the West Coast. Wake them up!

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By paradisefl1 | 03/11/11 - 03:35 am

The Watch for a tsunami (in HAWAII)has been upgraded to a warning.



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THRASHER the Dull...
By politico | 03/11/11 - 08:05 am

dude needs counseling<> heavy mental

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Sounds like another perk for our politicians
By carnut | 03/11/11 - 08:29 am

Gov Scott supports this? Right, don't spend money on a drug data base to cut down on drug abuse, but support a big expenditure on Golf courses. Did we really elect him???

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Good ole Boy
By riggsbyd | 03/11/11 - 08:35 am

If this doesn't sound like classic good ole boy politics I don't know what does.

Well, let's take our state parks and put golf courses on them so we can play for free.

Seriously? This guy could care less about the State of Florida or anyone else. Why would people support this idiot? St. Johns Guy, from another Conservative who didn't support him, thanks for your apology. I accept, please don't support him again.

-- Those who would sacrifice Liberty for a little security, deserve neither Liberty, nor security. Benjamin Franklin

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Just Shocking!
By Nigel | 03/11/11 - 08:40 am

Why would anybody be surprised at this? Did anybody expect different from a lobbyist with a history of ethics violations.

We(actually you) voted him in, time to pay up, Thrasher wants some bright green new golf courses for he and his "putes politiques" Friends to play on.

Don't worry about those red tides either, they go away in a few weeks. It's just algae for Pete's sake!

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By me | 03/11/11 - 08:46 am

I floated this idea last night, I'll run it by you. Any chance this is being proposed as a red herring, to take the protest energy away from other legislation? When they do give it up after overwhelming negativity, they both get to say they 'listened to the people' and they will have slid a bunch of stuff under the radar. We all know that the public has a limited attention span......

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By osprey | 03/11/11 - 08:50 am

Is there nothing more important than money? Nothing at all?

Such a shame. Let's hope good sense prevails.

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By Nigel | 03/11/11 - 09:14 am

I think it's a matter of near out of control sense of hubris.

The whole of the RPOF from 5th Amendment Rick on down in Tallahassee seems to have a "we're in power now and you're gonna take it, boy!" attitude.

Unless you've been mind melded to the GOP Borg don't even waste your time writing or calling, it will only find deaf ears and a blind eye, unless your a lobbyist or one of the Koch brothers.

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Ask Dr. Bill
By spindoc1 | 03/11/11 - 09:36 am

Record, I guess it's expecting too much for you to ask Proctor where he stands on the golf course issues. You voters wanted an ultra conservative king, and now you have it. Glad to see Scott and Thrasher are looking after senior citizens such as Nicklaus, though. No Social Security check bump this year, you know.

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I tend to lean towards the "red herring" approach,
By Triker3 | 03/11/11 - 09:37 am

and feel as though our politicians are playing the taxpayers like a deck of cards. While they will say they are listening to what they say "is the will of the people" they will slide bills such as this under the radar and pass it with hardly a notice until it's too late. Then when it might be finally noticed it will be to late and they'll profess they were working for our best interests and this bill's passing was a "casualty of the lobbtiest's" efforts to have more golf course's. I still don't understand how people can believe that we can pass bills for all sorts of new projects when the State of Florida is BROKE ! They can't even balance the budget or even come close and in this case want more golf courses? Teachers are complaining of cuts but I'm sure there are some golfers in that group that think this is fine. We're still broke. All the people who are for this rediculous bill surely will rely on our police, firefighters, educators at some time, well I guess that's if they are still're still BROKE! they just make the DEFICIT smaller, but it's still a DEFICIT.

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Crazy, just flat out CRAZY
By instigator | 03/11/11 - 09:48 am

"Inspiration for the plan comes from Thrasher and is supported by Gov. Rick Scott, accounts said."

Inspiration? How about delusion?

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How about,
By Triker3 | 03/11/11 - 10:22 am

something simple. Seemingly ridiculous but simple. I am sure impractible BUT simple...the senior citizens and people who DEPEND on social security have been told in essence "Suck it up" as you will be getting no increase in your meager assistance for two years. Not one (1) but 2(2) and we'll still vote ourselves raises. Our raises might equal monthly what you recieve yearly, but hey-we need it and have really earned it. Seeing as the government can do that so easily to the people who have contributed to social security all their lives why can't they apply the same mindset to what they are doing? Can they ever operate the government without a deficit (which in essence means we're broke and are borrowing money to operate in the RED). They are telling the seniors and disabled to why can't they? The recipients of social security have no choice or say they just have to make ends meet. How about they practise what they preach and they do without even just a little. Oh that's right, they sit on the right hand of the big guy up there and have to be pampered 'cause they work so hard and do without for the people who support them and their lavish lifestyle.

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By Ajmarcil | 03/11/11 - 10:33 am

Thrasher and his pal, Rick "I Wasn't Indicted" Scott want to turn state parks into golf courses? Is it getting embarrassing to live in Florida or just absurdly entertaining? These guys aren't smart enough to create a "red herring" scenario. I honestly think that these putzes, and their solopsistic supporters and colleagues, believe their own bulls*#t.
Like it or not Middle Class, a class war is being relentlessly waged against you/us by the Right, who falsley believe they were given some kind of mandate by the American and Floridian voters in the last election. Perhaps it takes having regressive anti-education corporate shills like Scott and Thrasher, Walker in Wisconsin, Christy in New Jersey, elected to get the American voting public to really start paying attention to real issues and candidates before they vote. Otherwise, the Koch Brothers will succeed in buying the US ofA and making it just another subsidiary of Koch Industries.

Those who can convince you of absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire

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Absurdly entertaining?
By Nigel | 03/11/11 - 10:46 am

Come on AJ, it's like having the deck chairs with the best view on the Titanic as it steams into the iceberg. Pour another glass of bubbly and enjoy the show.

Look at the bright side, you can go anywhere in the country and tell them you're from Florida and give them a smile and a chuckle.

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Enjoying the cruise
By Ajmarcil | 03/11/11 - 11:09 am

And taking along The Record...I hope Carl Hiaasen is already on this.

Those who can convince you of absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire

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Your legislators-Visa, MC and checks accepted, cash prefered.
By acureforgravity | 03/11/11 - 11:24 am

Since when has Career Lobbyist Thrasher given a tinker's damn about anything except what his sponsors bribe him to care about and follow through on?

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anyone know
By jagsfan | 03/11/11 - 11:32 am

What are the steps involved in recalling Scott? Seriously this guy acts like he won a landslide election like reagan in 84! Does he remember it was razor close and wasn't officially decided until the next day?!?!

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look at yesterday afternoons comments, Guinta
By peanut | 03/11/11 - 11:36 am

Can you find anyone except Thrasher and Scott and Nicholas who thinks this is a good idea, Guinta? If you want to see the environmental damage caused by golf courses, just look at the old Ponce de Leon course. I think this is just a smoke screen to keep our eyes off all the other evil things Thrasher, Bush and Scott are proposing. Who needs water? We need a "choice" of whether to have medical care? All medical providers need to be "for profit". No health departments, no public hospitals. And unemployment is the fault of the unemployed. Just force everyone to work for minimum wage, and then raise the cost of their house insurance and health insurance. And kill public education so the fools won't be able to understand what we are doing.

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" I think this is just a smoke screen"
By me | 03/11/11 - 12:08 pm

Great minds think alike. ;-)

The question is, is Nichlaus a willing or unwilling dupe in this scheme?

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Recall Scott. Recall Thrasher sure, but...
By Ajmarcil | 03/11/11 - 12:08 pm

Can it be done? Would it make a difference? As long as only Republicans can get elected in most of this backward state, what would change? The voodoo is working when a total dolt like Jeb Bush starts looking good.

Those who can convince you of absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire

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I really wonder if anyone who
By jagsfan | 03/11/11 - 01:00 pm

I really wonder if anyone who voted for this guy even looked at his record and what he was proposing. I mean was it all about the "R" next to his name? We had a choice between a middle of the road democrat and this far right candidate. I don't know one person who if given the chance would vote for him again.

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Oh what a tangled web they/we weave.............
By Triker3 | 03/11/11 - 01:47 pm

I guess what bothers me most is it's not the republicans, the democrats, the independants- it's the POLITICIANS! They all got us to this point. They are professed liars by career. Promise this, do that, attach this to it other wise we won't pass that. What was Obama's record, what was Bush's record, Clinton? They all blame it on their predocessor and vice versa. How about what are the records of all the INCUMBANTS that keep getting reelected and reelected over and over again. If you don't like the job the jobs hte republicans do vote them out the next term, just don't replace him with a democrat because he's from the "other side" with a D in front of his name, research their record. You have never seen a politician down and out though, one term and they are set for LIFE unless they can't live within their means and then they come out of retirement, LOL. It's a never ending vicious circle that the gullible voters need to finally pay attention to. Maybe they should practise K.I.S.S.---
Keep It Simple Stupid. we're broke, stop spending what you don't have. We're told to save by tightening our home budget why can't they? I know, I know, the cut a program here but they spend it else where. Just cut and don't spend!Inevitably someone's going to happy and someone's going to feel screwed. It's not a popularity job but it's gotta be done. Other wise you stay in the vicious circle.

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