Monday, March 14, 2011

St. Augustine Record: Thrasher withdraws golf course proposal

The sponsors of legislation that would have allowed golf courses to be built on some state parks withdrew their proposals Friday.

"While this bill was intended to stimulate tourism and find unique ways to explore economic development, I have had a number of conversations with my constituents and city leaders who have made it very clear that this is not an avenue they are interested in pursuing," said state Sen. John Thrasher, R-St. Augustine, who had filed the legislation in the Senate.

"I have always said that I am a representative of my community and my community has spoken loud and clear."

The bills had called for Jack Nicklaus-designed courses to be built in state parks in all five regions of the state. The legislation filed in the House by Rep. Patrick Rooney, R-West Palm Beach, named one of those parks, the Jonathan Dickinson State Park in Martin County.

Rooney withdrew his legislation on Friday afternoon as well.

"After much consideration and listening to the citizens of Florida, I have decided to withdraw HB1239," Rooney announced on his Twitter account Friday afternoon.

Environmental groups, private golf course owners and even The King, Arnold Palmer, had protested the legislation, saying Florida, with more than 1,000 courses currently operating, had a sufficient number of courses.


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2 Things

If you did this to throw us off track, you're done. If you did this because you're clueless, you're done.

Have a good day.


even The King.....

Awesome, now if only career lobbyist Thrasher would keep listening to the people and resign!

Either lobbyist Thrasher is such a galatically stupid and misinformed
"chapeau cul" that he thought golf courses for his "corruption buddies" would actually be an economic growth driver or he was so full of hubris and disdain, he thought the "voting morons" woudn't notice.

Either way, he needs to go!


Golf Courses in State Parks

would likely have been run by concessionaires. Follow the money.



He should ask his community before he files stupid bills, not after. Of course he did the same thing last year with the anti-teacher bill he filed before he asked the community. By the way, Florida averages 18 golf courses per county so why in the world would more courses help the economy at the sake of conservation lands.


Another shameless, baldfaced lie.

"I have had a number of conversations with my constituents and city leaders who have made it very clear that this is not an avenue they are interested in pursuing"

Since when did Career Lobbyist thrasher think he's somehow obligated to discuss legislation with voters?


"I have had a number of conversations with my constituents,"

So, what, it took such a stupid thought of his like this to make him sit up and finally take notice about how the voters feel and then talk to his colleagues about something? Now hopefully everyone might remember this monumental incident when elections come around again and send him packing! Now don't just replace him with a candidate that has a "D" in front of their name-RESEARCH the candidates. The one common denominator of all politicians is to "LIE", LOL. We need a candidate that atleast understands the theory of how to operate within a budget and what a budget actually is.


He's not going anywhere.

Sadly, Triker3, Career Lobbyist Thrasher intends to leave office on his own terms. Not only were the voters of this district were stoopid enough to elect this carpetbagger twice but the interests who have invested so heavily in the criminal won't let him leave early. There's too much money to be made from his corruption.


Acureforgravity, so true-BUT..........

at this point it should be on anything but HIS own terms. As the voters were led down the primrose pathe path to believe him so weren't the interests who backed him. Hopefully they might see how he has now breached the trust of the voters he had and lost and might be leery to back him even more.


who knows?

Maybe I'm being a pollyanna, but I sent an email to Senator Thrasher asking that he withdraw the bill. I'm sure I'm not alone. Maybe, just maybe, if we voice our collective disapproval of bad legislation, good sense will prevail every now and then. Guess I'll keep writing emails. This made my weekend.


Golf Courses and Public Employees

Yeh, let's pay millions for new golf courses while taking money out of public employee's pockets - teachers, police officers, and fire fighters!


"I have always said that I am

"I have always said that I am a representative of my community and my community has spoken loud and clear."

Is he kidding with this?? That's the funniest thing I've heard in a while. Thanks John for the good laugh!!


A stroke of Genius!

Jack Nicklaus himself wrote thrasher to tell him what a bonehead he is, and Thrasher actually listened! Now only if the same thing could work on Rick Scott....

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