Thursday, December 29, 2011

Former Record Editor Jim Sutton Writes Angry, Front Page Opinionated Column on Fishing -Regulation -- Dozens of Readers React -- Check It Out!

New hunting, fishing regs for 2012

State waters

Posted: December 26, 2011 - 11:37pm
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The speckled seatrout with the famous yellow mouth and pair of upper teeth. Beginning Feb. 1 the bag limit goes up. BY JIM SUTTON, Special to The Record
The speckled seatrout with the famous yellow mouth and pair of upper teeth. Beginning Feb. 1 the bag limit goes up. BY JIM SUTTON, Special to The Record

For anglers who still have enough money left in the bank to buy gasoline and insurance — or a boat in the driveway not yet owned by the bank — there’s good news and bad news when it comes to fishing in the New Year.

The good news is this: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s and the South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council‘s reign of error is over for another year.

The bad news is that both are greasing up the thumbscrews and tightening the racks for 2012.

Their regulatory wish list for 2012 includes possible annual catch limits for pelagic species such as sailfish, wahoo, king mackerel, dolphin and blackfin tuna.

But the real scheme has federal fishing managers giddy.

It’s called Catch Shares. These can be — and are — disguised as Individual Fishing Quotas or a list of bureaucratic acronyms solely designed to rob the public of fishing rights; then give them to the strongest lobby or sell them off to the highest bidder.

Call it the reverse Robin Hood theorem of marine management.

But there’s enough regulation on the books right now to sink the maritime economies of historic fishing towns such as St. Augustine and Fernandina Beach. In the charter, commercial and recreational realm the bread and butter of the bottom fishing industry is the big four: red snapper, vermillion snapper, black sea bass and grouper.

Snapper is closed indefinitely. Black seabass was closed months early in October and will remain closed until June 1. Vermillion snapper is closed until March 31. And grouper fishing closes Jan. 1 through April 30.

The offshore bottom fishing cupboard is bare. There’s no need for commercial or recreational guys to burn gas.

And if charter captains are honest up-front, few potential customers will be willing to pay to practice catch-and-release on these species.

NOAA is pushing the throttles full forward in its attempt to privatize the ocean. The initial target in the coming year will be commercial fishermen. But proposals are already written with the weekend fishermen in mind.

State waters

While the federal agencies decide marine management apparently by rock-scissors-paper, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission works hard to gather real data on fish stocks and uses it to strike a balance between fish and fishermen. It has employed strict bag, size and slot limits on fish for years. The result is a resurgence of redfish and speckled seatrout from dangerously low stocks.

This has never been more evident than 2012.

Because spawning and escapement numbers are so high, the FWC is actually increasing the limit on the two most popular brackish water species — the seatrout and redfish. Beginning in February the seatrout daily limit goes up from five to six fish. Size limit remains a 15- to 20-inch slot, with one fish allowed over 20 inches. The closed season in February has been lifted as well. At the same time, the limit on redfish doubles from one to two fish per person per day. Commercial seatrout fishermen also go an expanded season.

In a few instances state rules and federal rules differ.

Florida controls waters out to three miles offshore on the Atlantic coast; nine in the Gulf. Red snapper theoretically can be caught in state waters, though there are very few snapper in that shallow. Black sea bass remains open in state waters and the limit remains 15 fish with a 12-inch minimum size limit. For cobia, the state allows one fish per person. In federal waters its two fish per person. But both have a vessel limit of six fish.


There are no new freshwater regulations that affect Northeast Florida.


The FWC initiated major season changes in 2011, all designed to better take advantage of the deer rut in different parts of the state. There are no new regulations, size or bag limits in the New Year. One interesting change this year is the special youth turkey hunting weekend on public land. The hunt opened in 2011, but on private land only. This year Wildlife Management Areas are hosting the hunts. The hunts are for youth under 16. They’re scheduled the weekend prior to the opening of the general spring turkey season. The kids won’t need licenses or permits but the adult accompanying them will. The adult is allowed only to set decoys and call turkeys in. The special hunt is March 10-11.

Not all the WMAs hold the hunt and some require quota permits. Don’t dawdle. The quotas are being filled now. Log on to for specifics or call the WMA you’re interested in hunting.

Here are rules for our more popular fish in 2012:

Amberjack — 28-inch to fork; bag limit one

Bass (largemouth, Suwannee, shoal and spotted) – One over 22 inches; bag limit five

Black sea bass — 12 inches; bag limit five; currently closed in federal waters; open in state

Bluefish — 12 inches; bag limit 10

Catfish — not regulated

Cobia — 33 inches; bag limit two in federal waters, one in state waters

Crappie — No minimum; bag limit 25

Cubera snapper — 36 inches; bag limit two

Dolphin — 20 inches; bag limit 10

Drum — Slot 14-24 inches; bag limit five

Flounder — 12 inches; bag limit 10

Grouper — Size, bag limits and seasons vary widely on different species. Check current regulations at

King mackerel — 24 inches; bag limit two

Lane snapper — 8 inches; bag limit 10

Mangrove snapper — 12 inches; bag limit 10

Mullet (black or silver) — no minimum; bag limit 50

Panfish (shellcracker, bluegill, warmouth, redbreast etc.) — No minimum; bag limit 50

Pompano — 11 inches; bag limit six

Redfish — slot 18-27 inches; bag limit 2 (Feb. 1)

Red porgy — 14 inches; bag limit three

Sheepshead — 12 inches; bag limit 15

Spanish mackerel — 12 inches; bag limit 15

Speckled seatrout — slot 15-20 inches, one over 20; bag limit 6 (Feb. 1)

Striper: (including sunshine and white bass) — six over 24 inches; bag limit 20

Tarpon — no minimum; bag limit two (with $50 tags)

Triggerfish — 12 inches; bag limit 20

Vermillion snapper — 12 inches; bag limit five - currently closed

Wahoo — no minimum; bag limit two

Weakfish (yellowmouth trout) — no minimum; bag limit 50

Whiting — not regulated


Comments (30)

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Why is an opinion piece on the front page?

In the print version, this is on the front page, presented as a news article. It belongs on the Opinion page.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair


You have an opinion, this is factual based NEWS.

"Me", where do you get this article is an "Opinion"? This is important NEWS to fishermen!

You are the one who has an "Opionion" about this news article! Lets please keep our facts straight...


This story does indeed belong

This story does indeed belong on the front page and here is my reason for saying so.

So many within the marine/fishing industry are affected negatively by this ramped-up attempt to control American business. People such as commercial fisherman, pleasure and sport fisherman, fishing charter companies, guided fishing tour businesses, hotel and restaurants that cater to fisherman, boat manufactures, boat repair businesses, tackle and bait shops, boat trailer manufactures, boat storage companies, outboard and inboard engine manufactures, marine engine repair shops, fishing pole/tackle manufactures and distributors, people who work in fish markets, the American consumer, to name just a few. All of this new regulation is to the detriment of our economy.

But do our out-of-control bureaucrats and policy makers really care how it affects people out in the real world who are trying to make a living, frankly I seriously doubt it!

And what do we get from people like “Me”, a little slogan below his post from a socialist, watta crock!!!

Liberalism is a terminal disease



"Me", where do you get this article is an "Opinion"?

Well, I'd start with the entire first paragraph. Then I'd make a list, then ask to see if a Journalism 101 student could rewrite it to be non-biased:

reign of error

greasing up the thumbscrews and tightening the racks

real scheme has federal fishing managers giddy.

solely designed to rob the public

the reverse Robin Hood theorem

to sink the maritime economies

offshore bottom fishing cupboard is bare

pushing the throttles full forward in its attempt to privatize the ocean

FWC is actually increasing

I'm sure I missed a few adjectives and opinions in there. Yes, the actual size limits and rules changes are there, but this is an opinion piece written to explain it. Could they not have presented the facts, then accompanied it with the opinion, instead of incorporating them into one article?

This is not a question of whether the rules are good or bad, it's a question of journalistic ethics.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair


Living off of the land

I think that these regulations are grossly overboard. I have been fising in st auggie for all of my life and man has been living of off the bountys of the sea since the beginning of time. Has the option of closing cerntain sections of the ocean for spawning and allow people to fish other areas at the same time. Livelyhoods have been taken and the economical ripple effect is endless. Let us catch a few fish and find a balance for everyone. Im sure that can be done without fishing out all species. MAN EATS SEAFOOD. let us continue.




Im just a river fisherman who fishes for fun and food and have never had any monitary gain from fishing, only spent money.I used to take 2-3 charter trips a year offshore.No reason to do so anymore. I thought to myself i guess next time we will have to arrange a trolling trip (not nearly as fun as bottom fishing) but i guess thats out too. Thx lawmakers.



This is editorialized opinion.

Sutton states a couple news items then goes into a sportsman's rant about over regulation. So, what do we do, Jim? Get rid of all the regulations? Let every worthwhile species be fished out in a couple of years? (Do you remember the issue with cod in the North Atlantic? Without intervention that food source would be gone.)

Individual rights do not include depleting or destroying the enviroment for one's personal enterprise or entertainment, whether you are a corporation (Georgia Pacific, for example, BP for another) or a weekend hobbiest.

Those who can convince you of absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire



I may agree with much of the article but it does belong on the opinion page. However, that's par for the course with this paper. If they can't master basic grammar & spelling, why should we expect them to know the difference between fact & opinion?



In a world fashioned by FAUX

In a world fashioned by FAUX News, stories strewn with editorial opinion and inflammatory adjectives that otherwise conform to the readers/viewers/listeners opinion is called fair and balanced news. It is a lie but it sells well. If information (news) challenges the position of those consuming the information, if it contains facts but does not support a readers/viewers/listeners opinion, it is called biased. Sadly, that’s why conservative rarely listen to TV news other than FAUX and why liberals gravitate towards MSNBC.

Objectivity is less valued every day. Delivering information is news. Delivering opinion about news is an editorial. The two don’t mix well.

Consumers of information are becoming less discriminating, less able to distinguish between opinion and news. It should be self-evident that this article is riddled with the editorial opinions of the author. As a news article, it flunks journalism 101. It should be rewritten into two separate pieces or displayed on an editorial page – that’s what it is!

FlGirl63 says -- "If they can't master basic grammar & spelling, why should we expect them to know the difference between fact & opinion"?

Right On!

"Every One Is Entitled To Their Own Opinion But Not Their Own Facts. Facts Withstand Scrutiny, Opinions Often Do Not"


funnymermaid, Stop and think


Stop and think for a minute. The question is -- does this article express an opinion? If it does it is expressing the "editorial opinion" of the author. The question is NOT about what others think about the information. ALL OF US have opinions -- they just don't belong in purported "news articles".

Think beyond YOUR self-absorbed box.

"Every One Is Entitled To Their Own Opinion But Not Their Own Facts. Facts Withstand Scrutiny, Opinions Often Do Not"


more Agenda 21

NOAA Director, Dr. Jane Lubchenco has made implementing the Agenda 21, Catch Share allocation system in every American fishery a top priority. In New England and Florida, American fishermen are out of work. The Governor of Massachusetts declared an economic disaster with a request for $21 million in federal aid. Dr. Lubchenco’s response was asking for $54 million in additional funds to expand the program. We import 84% of our seafood and export (re-distribute) nearly $11 billion to foreign countries like China and Vietnam in a seafood trade deficit.

Learn more -



Thanks to me, ajmarcil, and lonnya...

for calling the article what it is, an opinion piece, not a news article,
and showing why that is.

As soon as I read "reign of error" I knew it was all over as far as the article being an unbiased report on the status of fishing and providing reasons for limits on catch. Then "rob the public of fishing rights" and "privatize the oceans" were other gems eloquently provided by Jim.

Jim Sutton has a long history of providing opinions for the illustrious Record:


Regulations, Me, and today's Journalism

Although I rarely agree with Me, you have to admit there is a lot of opinion in this piece. Me, I wish you had such a scrupulous eye on the media when it comes to the opinionated, biased garbage the liberal media tries to throw down our throat. If you had been more vigorous in defense of journalistic standards during the last presidential cycle, just maybe someone would have vetted our current president and explained just how unprepared he was for the job which most have come to realize. I know this is an opinionated article, but it was refreshing to see it from a point of view where 'the government isn't the answer to everything.' Journalism, although more widely distributed today more than ever in human history, has no standards anymore. This only seems to itch Me when the approach comes from a conservative slant. Regulations can be good, but that can be a slow death also. A regulation to protect us from fishing ourself dry is good, but one where the government tries to take rights from individuals for the sake of revenue is just more socialism which seems to be the rue of the day. Me, count this as one time I agree with you, it just didn't bother me too much...


Sunshine, any examples of the liberal media and what is throws?

First, read "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them," by Senator Al Franken. You're right.(Pun intended.) He's a "liberal." But he takes apart the truly biased right-wing media and its stars and supporters and he does it with meticulously unbiased research. Don't even respond to this until you've checked the book out. (Maybe from a library );-)

The myth and outright bs of a liberal media really needs to stop. It's a way too old conservative fabrication. Show some proof. An incident. An example. Anything.
PS. Check out MSNBC. See if you can find an argument you don't agree with or any spin there. Truth has a liberal bias and it drives head- in- the- sand conservatives nuts.

"Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish."
-Mark Twain

Those who can convince you of absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire



I echo Ajmarcil's request - please show proof of this "liberal bias" legend.

There are, however, signs that Fox News viewers have a special point of view: a study from the University of Maryland.

"Those who watched Fox News almost daily were significantly more likely than those who never watched it to believe that most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses (8 points more likely), most economists have estimated the health care law will worsen the deficit (31 points), the economy is getting worse (26 points), most scientists do not agree that climate change is occurring (30 points), the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts (14 points), their own income taxes have gone up (14 points), the auto bailout only occurred under Obama (13 points), when TARP came up for a vote most Republicans opposed it (12 points) and that it is not clear that Obama was born in the United States (31 points). The effect was also not simply a function of partisan bias, as people who voted Democratic and watched Fox News were also more likely to have such misinformation than those who did not watch it--though by a lesser margin than those who voted Republican. "

Interesting, no?

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair

Busted DQ

Great ME!!

I give your article a 10 for political diarreah! And a nine for attempted your pole!

This guy turns an ad about hunting and fishing into a left wing propaganda platform...this guy is a magician! lol...what a degenerate

“It is difficult to get a man to say something non-political, when his existance depends upon his politics.” - Benny the Low Life


Lightyear49er This will


This will apparently be way over your head, but I’ll try anyway. No one was talking about “liberal regulations” we were talking about” news” and the difference between “news” and “opinion.” Apparently that distinction is beyond your ability or at least willingness to understand.

It’s not surprising that you don’t understand, a lot of you wing nuts don’t, but Jim Sutton and the editors of this newspaper surely do and should know better than to print garbage like this and call it news.

"Every One Is Entitled To Their Own Opinion But Not Their Own Facts. Facts Withstand Scrutiny, Opinions Often Do Not"


Busted IQ...political diarreah???

There is no left wing propaganda. See previous post. Truth has a liberal bias. An ad about hunting and fishing? An ad? Just what is "attempted stirring?" This reads like one of the many "I'm -on -the -fifth beer- and, Honey, get- me -another -shot -of- that -Jim Beam, I -got some -serious- writing- to -do- here- stuff. Gotta straighten out those libs..."

Try raising the bar on the discourse on these threads next go round. Hint: If you sound intelligent, some folks might think you are. That's half the game.

Those who can convince you of absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire


Me,You publish fact, your


You publish fact, you provide a source for your information, it demonstrates your point and reveals the consequences of the misinformation FAUX distributes to its listeners. You back up your contention and show how wrong the typical FAUX listener is when it comes to facts and reality.

In return all you get from these right wing kooks is off color humor in an attempt to change the subject. They don't pay attention to details -- they could care less about cause and effect -- even when it hits them in the face. They just spout the right wing buzz words -- its all they know! They truly can't stand the heat!

Excellent post!

"Every One Is Entitled To Their Own Opinion But Not Their Own Facts. Facts Withstand Scrutiny, Opinions Often Do Not"


lonnya...that's how they win. Ignore the truth and keep shouting

A tempered level headed well documented discussion is beyond the abilities of the yahoo Right who regularly log on here. They seem to only talk in headlines from right wing blogs or The Fox spin machine. If they would read about Roger Ailes and his creation of Fox News and the marching orders and directives that his employees are given, these individualists might form another opinion, but, alas, that would require actual reading and critical thinking. In politics and religion, life is so much easier when some one tells you what and how to think and requires no input from you, the devotee. Then they only have to think about fishing and hunting, important stuff like that.

Those who can convince you of absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire


AJM, I concur. The spin


I concur. The spin about the so called “liberal media” is nonsense. It is a right wing tactic designed to garner more favorable press for themselves and their views. It is a pure intimidation ploy.

For the sake of argument, set MSNBC and FAUX aside. Next, ask these kooks to provide some specific, detailed evidence of a consistent liberal slant in the so called mainstream media. I’ll bet they can’t do it! It’s just more spin.

An objective media source is one that does not confuse their front page news with their editorial page. It is done often by good media, but most on the right will not believe anything on the front page if they don't like the editorial page. All part of that liberal media conspiracy. LOL

Truth be known -- there is probably more right wing media than left.

"Every One Is Entitled To Their Own Opinion But Not Their Own Facts. Facts Withstand Scrutiny, Opinions Often Do Not"


Off the subject of fishing regulation

It's hard to stay on topic, whether or not this article belongs in opinions or news, when many posters seem unable to understand the difference. Though I've mostly voted a conservative ticket in my 30+ years of voting, I'm appalled and disgusted by the lack of REASONABLE arguments from the Right on this forum as well as in the media in general (if you disagree, PLEASE point to where such are located). I am at least slightly educated, as my certificates and degrees reflect, but I failed to complete even a basic course in the dynamics of sound reasoning (I've attended both public and private institutions and can't understand why such courses are NOT required). When I began to take on the challenge of learning more about that subject, I naturally was amazed and humored, but also disgusted to learn of the many shapes and forms in which fiction attempts to disguise itself (yes, I realize it's not a living organism, but those who weave and peddle it, at times masterfullfy make it seem so!). Though I do many times now recognize the tools and trade of unreasoned argument, I still am not practiced enough to partake in arguments logically. Therefore, I long to see conservative viewpoints eloquently argued (on here or elsewhere in the media) so those of us more undecided in the political arena could form opinions in a balanced manner.



Kooks? FAUX news? Rabid right? etc etc

"This will apparently be way over your head, but I’ll try anyway."
quote- unquote...

Seriously, the continued rampant condescension from this individual never ceases to amaze me.


same old clinton news network viewers espousing same old

liberal trash.. and in the process attempting to stifle free expression of those who would dare oppose them !!!! it's about the limits on fishing !!! who gives a rast sass,, if it is an opinion or an article ??? only those holier than thou,, writers who always overlook the fact the record isn't fit for bird cage liner,, yet profess to be the ultimate arbiters of correctness,, in everything concerning saint augustine ???? everyone is entitled to their opinion,, just some of us,, have enough sense to change the subject,, instead of trying to prove just how smart they aren't!!!>>>yathink


back to original article

It still belongs on the opinion page. Whether or not you agree with the new regs, please (please?) look at the story and be able to recognize it as opinion.

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair

Busted DQ


I got the opinion loud and clear...doesnt matter if the writer was liberal or conservative...but its depressing to see intelligent people spend so much time lapping barf.

I got my views on politics though...its quite simple...Elect a president
and let him do what he Then when election time comes up...there will be a question a the bottom of the ballot:

" Shall we punish the president"?

If the majority votes yes....we put him to death.

Id say that crosses all party lines.

“It is difficult to get a man to say something non-political, when his existance depends upon his politics.” - Benny the Low Life


Fec32yrs,I understand why


I understand why you would consider my comment condescending. I did get a little frustrated, given the absurd, offensive, and completely off topic comment made by lightyear49er (since removed from the folder) that demonstrated not only rudeness and crudeness but also a total lack of understanding about the discussion underway.

These are not rocket science conversations but the continued inability (or is it unwillingness) of some adults to make intelligent or relevant on topic comments does bring into question their competency or motives.

Like my signature line says,” everyone is entitled to their opinion” but when their opinions are unfounded and or poorly expressed it is fair game to call them on it.

But your point is well taken; I’ll try to be a little more tolerant. It would be nice if those holding hard right wing positions tried to do the same.

"Every One Is Entitled To Their Own Opinion But Not Their Own Facts. Facts Withstand Scrutiny, Opinions Often Do Not"


Yathink, Nobody has tried to


Nobody has tried to stifle legitimate or appropriate free expression. No one! What was suggested was for some of you chronic complainers about the so called “liberal media” to provide a few specific detailed examples to support your complaint.

As yet, I see none of you have tried to do so.

BTW – I think the discussion has long since migrated beyond “the limits on fishing”. It happens around here, discussion does seem to ramble and move on. We never seem to finish a topic, so many prefer to change the subject in order to avoid thinking too hard.

"Every One Is Entitled To Their Own Opinion But Not Their Own Facts. Facts Withstand Scrutiny, Opinions Often Do Not"


BustedIQ...learn some writing technique...or you sound stupid...

and no one will pay any attention to your rants. You actually make some sense but your presentation loses your audience.

Those who can convince you of absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire


proof of bias

There was a study done that compared new stories on the major news outlets and, hold your breath, Fox News was found to be the most fair and balanced. The same study showed that the major news outlets were horrific in their liberal slant. Surely they didn't tell you that at CNN, as they are pretty horrific in their track record also. Proof of liberal bias, hmm I could go on for days, but one that had major implications in the presidential election was: The LA Times sat on video where the potential future president (Obama) had made a speech that even liberal reporters who had seen said it would be very damaging to his prospects of election. It still has not been released. This made national news, surely you heard about it. Do you really think if someone like Newt Gingrich did the same, that the liberal media would sit on video like that? We currently have a democratic power broker that should be in prison (John Corzine), yet because he was in line to be an Obama appointee, he hasn't even been arrested. Almost a billion dollars of client funds missing and an admission of commingling of client funds and no arrest. This is as bad as Bernie Madoff, and it is not covered hardly at all on major news outlets. You know that if it was a Republican power broker, it would be the crime of the century! I could go on or is that enough?

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