Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Birtherism Emitted On Local Republican Apparatchik's Hate Website --

An editorial on the local Republican apparatchik's website ("Historic City News") cleverly satirizes the typical American who uses, wears, drives and buys all-foreign products and wonders why jobs are hard to come by in the USA. The editorial then goes off the deep end -- it ends with a not-so-clever, unsubtle, racist, Birtherism attack on President Obama, stating the President was “made in Kenya.” That's not funny – it's a kiss-up to racists in our local Republican Party and Tea Party , who continue the false allegation President Obama was born in Kenya.  The Grand Dragon would be proud; the rest of us are appalled.  It is especially appalling because the "editorial" -- attributed to "News Desk" is plagiarized from multiple sources on the Internet. E.g., This was not the first time the "Historic City News" website has plagiarized -- when controversial City Manager WILLIAM B. HARRISS "retired," the website printed the City's hagiographic press release in haec verba without identifying the source. Such is often the case -- government and corporate press releases are printed without attribution.  This is not journalism. 
The "Historic City News" website even contains a Gerald Ford quote -- falsely attributed to Thomas Jefferson, the same false misquotation a local Tea Party faction misquoted to our St. Johns County Commission November 1, 2011 in connection with the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore.
Plagiarism and misquotation are intellectually dishonest.
What do you reckon?

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