Thursday, October 03, 2013

City Violated Sunshine in 1995 Visioning Plan, Discusses Reserved Seats for Businesses

Yesterday, St. Augustine Mayor and City Commissioners promised to require Sunshine compliance by the new visioning process, after it was revealed by COmmissioner Roxanne Horvath that there was no Sunshine compiance in the City's 1995 visioning plan.

Sunshine violations were frequent before mid-2010. One lady told me they used to hold City Commission meetings in her living room, "and then go hold the real one, which would take only fifteen minutes because everything was already decided." City Commissioners would hold regular illegal meetings in restaurants, out of the Sunshine, witnessed by waitresses at the Village Inn (back room), PK's and other local restaurants at the time.

The visioning process and all of its committees must be in the Sunshine, Mayor boles and City Attorney Ron Brown emphasized.

Commissioner Horvath proposed each Commissioner appoint two members of a ten-person steering committee, one a business owner and the other a resident. Why?

Think about it -- is it legal to have affirmative action for businsess owners in picking members of the steering committee? This violates the Fourteenth Amendment, I reckon.

What do you reckon?

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