Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Michael Gold is Wrong Again -- Histrionic HISTORIC CITY NEWS reprints racist JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY PAMPHLET, "Rape of the Ancient City," Repeating Falsehoods About St. Augustine's 1964 Civil Rights Heroes and Sheroes

MICHAEL GOLD (f/k/a "MICHAEL TOBIN") raised $250,000 in campaign contributions for Sheriff DAVID B. SHOAR (f/k/a "DAVID B. HOAR") in 2004.
GOLD/TOBIN's efforts meant that SHOAR/HOAR was re-elected (coronated) without opposition in 2008 and 2012. He could be Sheriff for Life, like Neil Perry before him.
Sheriff DAVID SHOAR's website contains materially false and misleading statement, to wit, lies, about the Michelle O'Connell case and a paen to Sheriff L.O. DAVIS, removed from office by the Florida Governor and state Senate in 1970 (SHOAR's webste claims L.O. DAVIS "held the town together" and was somehow exonerated by the Florida State Senate. More lies from Sheriff DAVID SHOAR.
Republican PR man, former Sheriff's deputy and private investigator MICHAEL GOLD has run hate websites.
MICHAEL GOLD runs HISTORIC CITY NEWS, an oxymoronic press release for DAVID B. SHOAR and Republicans. In fact, anyone recently typing www.davidsoar.com into an Internet connection will be taken directly to the HISTORIC CITY NEWS website.
Today's online HISTORIC CITY NEWS reprints as "Special to Historic City News" a 50-year-old propagandistic, 10 page racist lying JOHN BRICH SOCIETY leaflet from 1964, in haec verba, attacking Dr. Robert Hayling, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Governor Peabody's mother, and nearly everyone else.
In this topsy turvy calumny, white racists are victims.
KKK terrorists were united with the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY in fighting desegregation.
This is how MICHAEL GOLD intends to kick off the 2014 celebration of the 1964 Civil Rights Act -- not with healing, not with brotherhood, but with Lashon hara and lies.
Shame on anyone who treats HISTORIC CITY NEWS as real journalism, including the St. Augustine Record, which recently repeated that canard in a front page article.
Sounds like the segregationists are circling the wagon, not healing but heaping abuse on esteemed civil rights leaders, both local and national.
This is not the first time MICHAEL GOLD and HISTORIC CITY NEWS have lauded the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY -- last year it praised a JBS speaker at the ST. AUGUSTINE TEA PARTY, one who bragged about JBS halting police civilian review boards under the guise of a "Support Your Local Police" bandwagon, also claiming cred for abolition of the Justice Department's Law Enfocement Assistnace Administration in 1982. LEAA is now known as the Office of Justice Programs.
A police civilian review board would be empowered to investigate Officer Involved Domestic Violence, but the swaggering JBS misogynists don't want that.
Remember William F. Buckley, Jr.? Buckley rejected the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY crazies, who called President Dwight Eisenhower a "Communist," just as the Tea Party does now with President Barack Obama.

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