Thursday, February 13, 2014

St. Augustine Visioning Process Hiring Facilitator Dr. Herbert A. Marlowe, Jr., Ph.D.

The City of St. Augustine Visioning COmmitee is in the process of hiring a facilitator to help the fifteen member committee focus on our future. After requests for proposals and staff ratings by staffers, the city is negotiating with Dr. Herbert A. Marlowe, Jr., Ph.D., a University of Florida graduate, Alachua county resident and an expert in sustainable governance.

He has quite impressive credentials. He was the top pick of three raters: City Public Affair Director Paul Williamson, Purchasing Director Timothy Fleming, and Assistant Planning and Zoning Director David Birchim. Dr. Marlowe was the top choice, winning out over the University of Central Florida's Institute of Government Affairs; Marquis Halback; Northeast Florida Regional Council; Diane L. Matanza, Inc.; Institute for Alternative Futures; and Novak Consulting Group.

Before the public was notified, a local crackpot took potshots at Dr. Marlowe on the erstwhile, ancien regime local political machine's hick hack faux Fox News style website. The crackpot opined that Dr. Marlowe is a "raging Agenda 21 liberal." As Freud would say, "what does he mean by that?"

The crackpot continues: "AS far as Visioning, are they going to sit around and pass around the mushrooms?"


The crackpot potshots continues, noting that a book review states that Dr. Marlowe believes in sustainability, to wit, "meeting the environmental, social and economic needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." He also says that Dr. Marlowe believes in democracy.

Is there a problem?


Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

The local crackpot is RANDY COVINGTON.


RANDY COVINGTON is a right-wing Republican Tea Partier who identifies with the pre-Cambrian and Cro Magnon factions.

What is "Agenda 21?"

"Agenda 21" is one of those John Birch Society and KKK shibboleths that was hurled by members of the Smirking Turkey Society (STS), led by RANDY COVINGTON.

STS members used "Agenda 21" as a dog whistle while blasting and attacking those of us who are innocenty seeking to protect public ands with a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore were tarbrushed with two years ago at the St. Johns County Commission.

It happened in America on November 1, 2011. The Lashon hara and public disturbance took place at the St. Johns County Commission meeting at the St. Johns Administration Buiding. We were item one on the agenda and I made a 15 minute presentation (you can view part of it on YouTube).

In response, RANDY COVINGTON lined up his followers, who proceeded to yell. We park supporters were called "Nazis and Communists" and as resembling "Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin," for supporting a St. Augustine National Park and National Seashore.

RANDY COVINGTON and his followers emitted hatred -- pure hatred, inckuding simulated machine gun noises and machine gun gestures. Not one County official or officer directed them to stop, with the Sheriff and County Commissioners nad staff refusing to enforce the Commission's civility rules.

RANDY COVINGTON is a leader of a wolf pack of haters. Their group hatred, obloquy and ridicule -- directed against environmentalists -- may have sent my late friend and mentor Robin Nadeau to an early grave (She died on January 6, 2012 at age 86).

Since my father's job during 1942-1945 was to machne-gun Nazis (for the 82nd Airbonre Division, F Company, 505th P.I.R.) jumping out of airplanes in North Africa, in Sicily and in Normandy to do so, I took offense to my being called a "Nazi" by the likes of RANDY COVINGTON & Co.

RANDY COVINGTON never apologized. Neither did his followers. They have bad manners and kooky ideas.

But our all-Republican St. Johns County Commissioners became accustomed to and re overly indulgent toward such such slanderous public comments emitted by the likes of RANDY COVINGTON.

RANDY COVINGTON is an anti-literate energumen who:
1. Ran and lost for Mosquito Control Commission on a Democrat-bashing platform denounced by the local grass roots Tea Party;
2. Allegedly peculated funds from the real Tea Party members;
3. Says parents (not experts) should write textbooks (a scary thought if you ride airplanes or on bridges rely on nuclear powerplants or other things requiring mathematical, scientific and engineering accuracy);
4. Attempted to inflict discriminatory districting on schoo board and county commission districts in 2012 after the decennial census (we defeated him after he called US racists for opposing his nefarious scheme);
5. Affects an anti-intellectual, moronic attitude, spewing forth anti-social ideations, frowning and glaring and subtracting from the sum total of human knowledge every time he speaks in public.
6. Has a unique business plan -- he is a cognitive miser, and unhappy, and he wants everyone else to be uninformed and unhappy, too.
7. Shows signs of being addicted to puerile ad hominem slogans and mendacious mediocrity, perhaps in puberty.

RANDY COVINGTON has apparently never spoken at any City of St. Augustine City Commission meetings. Once in a blue moon, we've had a few KKK supporters there, whom "We, the People" handily defeated when they opposed GLBT rights on December 10, 2012 (amendment to St. Augustine Fair Housing ordinance).
Reading rancid RANDY COVINGTON's latest rambling paranoid ideations, about Dr. Herbert Marlowe, Ph.D., makes me look forward to meeting Dr. Marlowe. He sounds like a cool guy. If RANDY COVINGTON spews hatred about him before his hiring is even publicly announced, it must be a good thing for our environment and human rights.
Plus, I just read where Dr. Marlowe's dad, like my dad, was a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division, and fought in Normandy against the Nazis (and was also a German POW).
Micro-brained bullies (like RANDY COVINGTON) are no match for the engaged offspring of World War II 82nd Airborne Division paratroopers).
What do y'all reckon?
Ed Slavin
Box 3084
St. Augustine, Florida 32085-3084

P.S. My friend Clara, as usual, has a very good point (See below). I hereby apologize to Cro-Magnons, because they were all "more highly evolved" than RANDY COVINGTON, and with better manners, too!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Please, Ed, don't give Cro-Magnons a bad name. I'm sure they were far more evolved than Covington ever will be!
