Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Thank you, Congressman JOHN LUIGI MICA

As Joni Mitchell once sang, "You don't know what you got till it's gone."
I used to rip, routinely, Rep. JOHN LUIGI MICA.
But at least Rep. MICA worked for his district.
Walking along the new St. Augusitne Sewall las Monday night, I thought wistfully of Rep. MICA, who worked to "bring home the bacon" -- and the "pork" -- to our district.
One of the coolest things about St. Augustine is now he New Seawall, which city Manager John Patrict Regan, P.E. worked to get sinc 1999, when a hurrcane breached the Old Seawall. The new one preserves the old one, built by West Point graduates billeted in the 1840s -- it does so by creating a twelve foot wide promenade, which shows off our town. Already foreign and U.S. tourists are enjoying the views, which the rest of us too often take for granted.
Thank you, Rep. MICA.
Without the 75% match from FEMA, our City would have had to raise local taxes to pay for the $6.25 million New Seawall.
Rep. MICA's actions have helped preserve and protect our history and our residents.
Thank you, Rep. MICA.
Three cheers!
Perhaps we should look to Rep. MICA to sponsor a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore, www.staugustgreen.com, perhaps haming one of its features after him. Maybe a New St. Augustine Beach Pier -- a public-private partnership being taked about by Key International, St. Johns County, St. Augustine Beach, Akerman Senterfitt, et al., one that might embrace an Embassy Suites hotel, a covered, ocean-overlooking farmer's market and fishermen's wharf, restaurants, shops galleries, a history and civil rights museum, ocean-watching and lots of fishing (ending in a T, covered by a hotel), in what could be the biggest pier in Florida.
Rep. MICA believes in public-private partnerships. So do other thinking Repubicans, Democrats and Independents.
The TEA PARTY, on the other hand, and its minionns hate government and don't do anything for anyone but the rich.
Our KOCH-funded, KOCH-addled Republican Congressman, RONALD DION DeSANTIS, is AWOL (Absent Without Leave). This Harvard lawyer and Yale baseball team camptain is clueless. DeSANTIS does nothing for our District, our people, our jobs, our businesses and our beautiful environment.
RONALD DION DeSANTIS might as well represent corporate oligarchs on Wall Street, because indeed he does.
RONALD DION DeSANTIS is too busy voting with the KOCH BROTHERS' contingent in Congress, neglecting his duties.
The most important duty of our next Congressman from our new Sixth Congressional District must be to preserve, protect and defend our coastline, our environment and our way of life -- in the spirit of Rep. MICA, who at least helped bring millions in federal funds to portect our historic town from storms and global climate change.
Thank you, Rep. MICA!

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