Oscar Wilde said, "A cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."
HISTORIC CITY NEWS and MICHEL GOLD f/k/a "MICHAEL TOBIN" may be reached by going to "Davidshoar.com."
How revealing.
MICHAEL GOLD is SHOAR's political acolyte, apparatchik and Lavrenti Berea, arranging hate sites o attack former County Commission Chairman J. Kenneth Bryan, et al, and doing the dirty deeds for the WHETSTONE-MAGUIRE famly and other developers.
MICHAEL GOLD's latest trick is to report on the cost of the City's Journey exhibit, which is an infitesimal amount of money compared to the tourism, good will and healing that it promotes.
GOLD is a former employee of the St. Johns County Sheriff's Department.
Hence, healing is not GOLD's style -- as demonstrated by his attack on the Cultural Council's alleged "default" on its St. Augustine Beach lease last week.
GOLD neer compained when City MANAGER WILLIAM B. HARRISS retired, never prosecuted by State's Attorney RALPH JOSEPH LARIZZA, never going to jail, and instead going on the payroll of SHERIFF DAVID BERNARD SHOAR f/k/a "DAVID BERNARD HOAR." HARRISS is paid more than $108,000 annually in retirement, and is a glorified political hack who is double-dipping working for SHERIFF SHOAR f/k/a "HOAR," running SHOAR's ST. JOHNS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT FOUR STAR ASSOCIATION, INC. 501(c)(3). HARRISS is coming and going as he pleases from the SJCSO, driving a Sheriff's car, with a gun, a badge and an ego the size of Montana, Republican lord of all he surveys.
He and GOLD have a hate-on for the current City Manager, John Patrick Regan, P.E., because he and the Commissioners are progressive and reforming our City government.
GOLD doesn't complain about lavish spending on HARRISS.
GOLD doesn't mention all of the money that the City has had to spend defending against frivolous lawsuits brought by the WHETSTONE-MAGUIRE family and other GOLD pals.
GOLD looks at the spending on the Jouney exhibit through the eyes of a racist ex-deputy.
GOLD resents our City's African-American history being told, and told well, from the eyes of African-Americans, who were here since September 8, 1565 and helped enact the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
In fact, GOLD's histrionic HISTORIC CITY NEWS last year ran a reprint of a hateful JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY article from 1964 about the St. Augustine desegregaion struggles, in haec verba. GOLD attacked the monument for Andrew Young. GOLD approvingly quoted former City Manager WILLIAM POMAR, who said "The Bohemians have won."
MICHAL GOLD lists the salaries of the two curators working for St. Augustine 450th Director Dana Ste. Claire. They're underpaid. If it were up to me, I'd give them a big raise!
Otherwise, the City could be sued for gender discrimination.
Superciliously, superficially scramling for something to say, supposedly scrutinizing the expenditures on the Journey exhibit, MICHAEL GOLD must have a point somewhere.
(Or is it a pointy hat?)
What is his point, exactly?
MICHAEL GOLD says that some of the people working on the exhibit don't have St. Augustine business licenses.
Tsk, tsk.
Flyspecking nitpicking.
How dull.
Not exactly scandalous.
Particularly not scandalous in St. Johns County, historically one of the most corrupt in Florida, a place where St. Johns County Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR routinely covers up officer-involved domestic violence, requiring The New York Times AND PBS Frontline to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and nine months to cover a shocking story, "Two Gunshots on a Summer Night," (one that our local newspaper should have been on top of in 2010 like a chicken on a junebug's back).
No business license.
I am shocked, shocked.
If that's GOLD's only real criticism, let me invoke the immortal words of the late William F. Buckley, Jr., "The devil with the complaint!"
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