Monday, July 07, 2014

St. Augustine Record Sunday Guest Column: We need open debate, real answers

Guest Column: We need open debate, real answers
Posted: July 6, 2014 - 12:08am
St. Augustine
In real political debate, candidates ask each other questions. Citizens ask questions of candidates and follow-up their answers. But in St. Augustine and St. Johns County, our local elections are deadly dull.

The schoolmarms in charge demand we write our questions on a card. Someone else decides whether it gets asked. Why? There is no follow-up. Why? There’s no information exchanged. Why? No one is held accountable. Why?

“That’s the way things have been run” in St. Johns County for years.

Why are there no questions posed directly by the public here in St. Augustine and St. Johns County? Authoritarianism? Fear of dissent? Distrust? Fear of embarrassing questions?

It’s all of the above.

Sir William Blackstone, 18th-century English jurist, said cross-examination is the greatest engine for uncovering of truth ever invented.

I will ask my own questions, thank you, as will “We the People.”

If I can’t ask questions, then don’t call your aspiring public forum a debate.

If politicians don’t answer live questions, don’t call it a debate. It’s a joint press conference; a sham, and a shame.

The debates need to be open, robust and uninhibited. Televise them on Government TV. Televise them on live and tape-streaming video.

Enough canned answers. Enough manufactured consent. Enough manipulation by campaign consultants.

Our local governments must be more responsive on open records requests, too.

St. Johns County, St. Augustine and St. Augustine Beach can do better. They must do better. They will do better.

On May 18, 2014, I requested a simple record from St. Johns County — the hourly Johnson Controls Inc. “smart water meter” water consumption readings for the 24 hours of Sept. 2, 2010 at 4700 Sherlock Place. That’s the time and place where Michelle O’Connell is alleged to have committed suicide in the home of her boyfriend, with his semi-automatic St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office service weapon.

Her boyfriend, Dep. Jeremy Banks, told investigators he did not take a shower. Florida Secretary of State record rules require such records be maintained. The water consumption data are supposed to be kept on backup media. As of today, it has not been provided. Why? Sheriff David Shoar did not seek the record, which could have shown his deputy lied. Why? The Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s investigator apparently did not seek the document, either. Why?

I requested the document from the sheriff and the county. My request has been met with indifference by Sheriff Shoar, County Administrator Michael Wanchick and County Attorney Patrick McCormack. Why?

“We, the People,” have a right to know.

Likewise, my efforts to learn why City of St. Augustine Planning and Building Director Mark Knight was fired with an illegal gag order agreement have been unavailing. Why?

Did it have to do with his questioning the proposed construction of a Children’s Museum on a methane-emitting 35-foot tall pile of garbage? Did Mr. Knight write or convey dissenting staff views that are legally “protected activity” under the Solid Waste Disposal Act, a federal environmental whistle-blower law?

Again, we have a right to know. We deserve answers to our questions, please. Now.

Florida adopted Article I, Section 24 of our state Constitution (Sunshine and Open Records) with 3.8 million votes (83 percent) in 1992.

As James Madison wrote in 1822, “A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”

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Comments (2) Add comment
Clara Waldhari 07/06/14 - 01:11 pm 21Who among us would not agree?
In addition, there are no debates in any manner of City candidates. Is it ONLY the COUNTY that matters?

I would like to hear the exchanges/debates from CITY candidates, too!

It is past time.

Mark Thompson 07/07/14 - 08:53 am 10Don't usually agree
I don't usually agree with Ed, but he got this one right!

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