Saturday, January 23, 2016

Unconstitutional Antics: Comm'r TODD NEVILLE (R-Proctorville) ,Tormented Tedious Tendentious Tortfeasor, Tries to Boss Around Reform Mayor Nancy Shaver

TODD NEVILLE did it again.  He waited until the end of the evening, when few people were left.  He made another vile sneaky attack on reform Mayor Nancy Shaver at the end of the January 11, 2016 meeting.  This time, he was attacking Mayor Nancy Shaver for speaking to artists suing the city, and being photographed with them.

Under First Amendment law, Mayor Shaver is on solid ground, and responded graciously -- amid NEVILLE's incoherent interruptions.  Watch video here.  Take a stand against Commissioner ODD TODD NEVILLE's oppressive unctuous smug behavior.  City Commission meets Monday, January 25, 2016 at City Hall, 75 King Street.  Arrive early.
Every lawyer I have spoken to says that Mayor Shaver is within her rights to speak to people.
ODD TODD NEVILLE once again shows disrespect for the First Amendment, just as he did in threatening an illegal libel lawsuit and demanding that the City taxpayers pay for his inane ideological perversions.
On December 21, 2015, Mayor Nancy Shaver met and spoke with people protesting in favor of artists protesting the City's anti-artist ordinance.
She was careful to check with our City Attorney, Isabelle Christine Lopez, and not do anything improper. 
ODD TODD NEVILLE attacked her at the January 11, 2016 City Commission meeting for speaking to litigants (horrors) and being "photographed" with them (horrors), opining that she should have all communications with the artists through "our attorney."
The Record reported:
Commissioner Todd Neville and Shaver exchanged comments at the end of the meeting. Neville cautioned commissioners about engaging the opposition in the city’s court cases.
One case involves four artists who are challenging the city’s rules on the sale of art. That lawsuit is in federal court.
Neville did not specify a case in his comments.
“I just want to remind everybody that let’s let our lawyers engage with the other side. We should not be doing that. ... It’s a touchy subject,” Neville said.
“I think we all understand that,” Shaver said.
“Well, mayor, you’re the one that I’m specifically talking to,” Neville said.
“And I would suggest that you understand that I’m extremely aware of it, and everything I have done has been cleared with Isabelle [Lopez, the city attorney]. ... I don’t really need instruction on it, Mr. Neville. Thank you so much,” Shaver said.
“Standing with people who are suing us and having your picture taken. ... You might not have done anything wrong, but the appearance of it is not good,” Neville said.
“Mr. Neville, I go many places,” Shaver said. “I have my picture taken doing many things, and I appreciate your interpretation of it. And I think you should understand that I have many years of experience dealing with complicated legal issues, and that my behavior reflects that. Thank you.”
NEVILLE was apparently heavily caffeinated, bouncing around earlier in the meeting during presentations.  ODD TODD reminds me of what Governor Ann Richards said of George Herbert Walker Bush: "Poor George.  He can't help it.  He was born with a silver foot in his mouth."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Would this sexist pig talk that way to any MAN? No way. Neville gives pigs a bad name. I hope he runs for mayor so we can flush him from the commission once and for all.
