Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Alcohol Now Banned At St. Augustine Beach City Hall -- Commissioner "CUPCAKE" SAMUELS' Alcohol Parties End

The St. Augustine Beach Civic Association will no longer hold alcohol parties in the St. Augustine Beach City Hall, starting with its Tuesday, October 11th, 2016 meeting at 7 PM. (Corrected).

SABCA is the only nongovernmental organization that has been allowed to use St. Augustine Beach City Commission chambers for its meetings.

Thirty-six (36) minute discussion starts at 1:37 and ends at 2:13
Public comment starts at 1:54, with watchdog Tom Reynolds talking about how Civic Association uses room to get votes and Civic Association President William Jones, who made faces behind Mr. Reynolds as Mr. Reynolds reported on two SJSO Internal Affairs reports against Mr. Jones for deceptive conduct involving SABPD. Mr. Reynolds pointed out that devil-worshippers with a 501c4 might be allowed to use the City Commission chambers for meetings because of the favoritism shown toward SABCA.
Mr. Robert Kahler said SABCA bullied Commissioners, behaving like "rowdies."

SABCA has held parties nine months in St. Augustine Beach City Commission meeting room, with alcohol served.

Ironically, Commissioner and then-Mayor ANDREA SAMUELS a/k/a "CUPCAKE" raised a ruckus in December 2015 when Dr. Michel S. Pawlowski, D.Sci., brought cupcakes to honor the birthday of his daughter, Commissioner and Vice Mayor Undine Pawlowski-George.

It happened on December 7, 2015, a date that will live in infamy.


So, Commissioners celebrated the departure of Mayor Brud Helhoski but "CUPCAKE" SAMUELS showed her animus over cupcakes for Commissioner Undine George's birthday. How gauche and louche.

So, "CUPCAKE" SAMUELS had no problem with serving alcohol in City Hall, allegedly including alcohol served to minors (allegedly including a twenty-year-old) but was against cupcakes.

Here's what I wrote about the December 7, 2015 display of meanness by St. Augustine Beach City Commissioner ANDREA SAMUELS:

Birthday Barbarism at St. Augustine Beach: Mayor ANDREA SAMUELS Acts Out Again (Updated again)

Pray for St. Augustine Beach Mayor ANDREA SAMUELS's troubled soul.

Pray for St. Augustine Beach Mayor ANDREA SAMUELS's troubled soul.

On December 7, 2015, Dr. Michel S. Pawlowski, retired FEMA executive, provided cakes and cupcakes for his daughter, Commissioner Undine Pawlowski George's 38th birthday, with the approval of longtime City Manager Max Royle.

Upon her arrival at the Commission dais, Mayor ANDREA SAMUELS shrieked to Mr. Royle: "Who did this? Ed? This is inapwopwiate." (New York accent in original).

Mayor SAMUELS took her birthday cupcake, uneaten, and marched it to the back of the room, acting out.

Mr. Royle followed in her wake, looking hurt and puzzled at the prima donna performance of the Mayor.

Commissioner Sherman Gary Snodgrass was present when SAMUELS issued her unkind uncouth ukase, but he did not respond or dignify her antics with an answer. (Commissioner Snodgrass ate his cupcake, as did the other Commissioners and City Attorney.)

Next, Mayor SAMUELS walked into the audience and proceeded to berate Dr. Pawlowski, demanding that he remove the baked goods table to the hallway.

When Dr. Michel S. Pawloski, D.Sci. did not click his heels and move the birthday table fast enough to please Herroner, Mayor SAMUELS proceeded to boss and bully two overpaid City employees to remove the table to the hallway.

Only Mayor ANDREA SAMUELS could take a moment of birthday good feeling and ruin it thattaway before the meeting even began.

SAMUELS holds and keeps grudges, foremost of which is her grudge against Undine Pawlowski George, for running against her when SAMUELS ws first a candidate for Commissioner, and for being a lawyer representing a client in litigation with ANDREA and ROBERT SAMUELS. The SAMUELS have spread Lashon hara about Commissioner Undine Pawlowski George (e.g., "she's a Lesbian" and then bruited about the fact that she was dating former Mayor Ed George, to whom she is now married. The SAMUELS are petty vindictive people, as evidenced by their actions on the Pier Park protected activity, and use of the St. Augustine Beach Police for retaliatory purposes. Every time I speak at the podium (and when others speak), ROBERT SAMUELS can be heard in the back of the room muttering, like a veritable Greek (or Geek) Chorus of mashugganam malicious mopery.


ANDREA SAMUELS ceases being mayor at midnight on December 31, 2015, giving "Beach Blastoff" a whole new meaning.

No more insults, interruptions, dirty looks and favoritism.

No more ugliness and meanness from the indisputably disappointing first woman Mayor of St. Augustine Beach, ANDREA SAMUELS.

Mayor ANDREA SAMUELS showed her gracelessness and gaucherie early and often, personalizing everything and acting like the Republican Lord of All She Surveys, even refusing a cupcake from Commissioner Pawlowski's father.

How gauche and louche.

Celebrate the end of BOSS ANDREA SAMUELS' Reign of Error on this New Year's Eve.

Cheer lustily at midnight, for in 2016, ANDREA SAMUELS will no longer preside at Commission meetings. The new mayor will be Richard O'Brien and the new Vice Mayor will be Undine Pawlowski George. It is expected that wiser decisions and more reasoned discussions may now take place, without so much mediocrity and mendacity.

Bonus cheer: ANDREA SAMUELS' term as Commissioner expires if she is not reelected next year.
Several well-qualified candidates are considering running, despite the cod lock the St. Augustine Beach Civic Association has had on elections, operating as a de facto illegal political action committee, even donating $500 to the cause of a sales tax increase proposal that saves developers $150,000,000 in fees and taxes by raising sales taxes by one half cent.

I hummed the witches' theme from "The Wizard of Oz" after SAMUELS stomped around the room a few times. After the meeting, she accosted me and complained that I criticize her and say things that are untrue. She did not name (1) fact, and skeedaddled from the room when I started to remind the Republican Mayor of St. Augustine Beach how in 2009, she and her husband ROBERT SAMELS went to our St. Johns Democratic Headquarters, swore a loyalty oath as Democrats, and proceeded to vote against my proposal to support the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore. Now she is a registered Republican, who had planned to run for County Commissioner until her running dog, PRISCILLA "RACHAEL" BENNETT decided to seek another term. Does ANDREA SAMUELS even remember when she first sold out?

P.S. By popular acclaim, if ANDREA SAMUELS had a Secret Service password it would be "CUPCAKE."

P.P.S. I thought our local Mayors were not supposed to give orders to City Managers. Evidently CUPCAKE thought she was Republican Lord of All She Surveys. What a mean lugubrious goober.

P.P.P.S. Pray for ANDREA SAMUELS to love her fellow critters and to stop being such a haughty hater.

P.P.P.P.S. Vote for Maggie Kostka and send "CUPCAKE" Samuels out the door.

Here's the St. Augustine Record's baby talking story, avoiding the history, passion and lawbreaking allegations:

Posted September 27, 2016 10:38 am
By By JARED KEEVER jared.keever@staugustine.com
St. Augustine Beach commissioners keep millage rate, approve budget

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The St. Augustine Beach commissioners opted Monday night for a budget based on a flat millage rate rather than flat revenue.

The commissioners voted unanimously to adopt the 2017 fiscal year budget based on the current year’s millage rate of 2.3992, which is expected to bring in about $2,518,468 — a roughly $155,000 increase over fiscal year 2016.

A “rollback rate” of 2.2543, had it been adopted, would have kept revenue flat.

The millage rate represents the amount of taxes paid on $1,000 of assessed property value after homestead exemption. The adopted rate means the total amount of property tax for a $200,000 property would be $479.84.

Commissioners first voted unanimously to keep the millage rate the same as last year then voted to approve the budget.

Prior to the budget vote, Vice Mayor Undine George said that, while she would typically vote to roll back rates, she strongly supported the budget as proposed because she expected “rocky times” in the coming years that would require some “belt tightening.”

“This is a very workable budget to get us ahead of the game,” she said.

Commissioner Gary Snodgrass also voiced approval, saying, “it’s balanced, it’s fair and it’s affordable.”

Snodgrass pointed out that the budget allowed the city to address a number of delayed issues and institute a competitive health plan for city employees.

According to an earlier memo from City Manager Max Royle, the additional revenue expected in the coming year will go to help fund City Hall security enhancements and a metal vehicle storage building for public works.

In other business

The commissioners voted to make changes to the city’s sign code in relation to signs removed from city property. The changes include the addition of language that such signs “shall not be disposed of and shall be delivered to the public works department” where they can be retrieved by the owner within a certain period of time.

Commissioners de-layed decisions on a number of parking issues until after a planning and zoning workshop in which members of the Planning and Zoning Board will meet with residents and representatives of the Police Department to discuss concerns. The date for the workshop has not been set.

Commissioners agreed that the city needs to revise its policies regarding the use of City Hall by governmental and other organizations. At issue were the use of the Commission chambers by the St. Augustine Beach Civic Association and the serving of alcohol on city property.

Royle said use of the Commission chambers has typically been restricted to government agencies, primarily out of consideration of the audio and video equipment in the room. Other groups are asked to use rooms across the hall. That the Civic Association has been allowed to use Commission chambers is the result of a long standing practice and not meant to show any favoritism, he said.

Commissioners agreed that the Civic Association should continue to be allowed to use the chambers and that alcohol should no longer be served on city property.

Language clarifying the policies will be introduced for a vote at a future meeting.

1 comment:

  1. They should begin a plan to grade and revoke the licenses of state tobacco and alcohol serving joints on the beach and in the city. Those that are the noisiest and that are responsible for the most police call complaints. Two warnings and with a third strike you lose a month's drug sales. Any more and you are out.

    It is time to claw back the excesses of past gangsters and restore the once great quality of life.
