Professor JOSEPH SAVIAK, Associate Professor of Public Administration, Flagler College (HCN)
Flagler College Associate Professor of Public Administration JOSEPH SAVIAK, currently conducting an online smear campaign against our heroic reform Mayor Nancy Shaver, was fired by the Orange County Sheriff in 2001 for misusing office letterhead to threaten State Bar officials with "civil and criminal liability" when he flunked the Bar exam.
Here is my calm response to his threatening letter:
Dear Professor Saviak:
1. You and I had a very brief and cordial conversation yesterday
afternoon about Pier Park, public-private partnerships and the St.
Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore. You hurried
off the telephone and did not have time to talk about what I said are
your material false statements about Mayor Nancy Shaver -- I told you
"assumed facts not in evidence." You stated your expertise in having
"five college degrees." You then promised to call me back. You never
did call me back.
2. I did not libel or threaten or stalk you, or anyone.
3. I never said, "Shut up" or any words to that effect.
4. I made one (1) post on your Facebook page, politely pointing out
your errors in one sentence, again stating you had "assumed facts not
in evidence" in your five questions.
5. I left one (1) message at your office, then reached you on your
cellular telephone. I left a message for Flagler College President
Dr. William Abare, who has not responded to my inquiry about
procedures for filing complaints against Flagler College faculty.
6. You lie, Professor Saviak.
7. Your statements are all false and misleading.
8. I have advised attorney Tom Cushman of your actions in contacting
law enforcement and attempting to invoke the Baker Act.
9. I have shared your two (2) threatening E-mails with The New York Times.
10. Please cease and desist from your insolence, including your
invoking our veterans and the name of "Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ" to justify your angry attempts to chill, coerce, intimidate
and retaliate against my God-given right to engage in First and Ninth
Amendment protected activity in:
(A) Reporting on your overt acts on my blog; and
(B) Making Open Records requests to The Florida Bar and Orange County
Sheriff's Office pursuant to F.S. 119 and Article I, Section 24 of our
Florida Constitution, enacted by vote of 83% of Florida voters (3.8
million people) in 1992.
11. My father won three Bronze stars and was at age 31 one of the
oldest soldiers parachuting into Normandy on D-Day -- the Edward A.
Slavin South Jersey Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Divn. Assn. is named
for my father. My father taught me -- as JFK's father taught him --
that governments and corporations must be held accountable, and that
"if you don't stand up to people in power, they will walk all over
you." Your effort to silence me is misguided, and an utter failure,
like similar efforts by others in the past. Your threats are beneath
the dignity of a free prople.
12 I am praying for you. I forgive you. I hope that you will stop
your defamation, intimidation and threatening behavior toward
reformers as our town recovers from Hurricane Matthew. Our community
needs healing, not heels. As JFK said, "here on Earth, God's work
must truly be our own."
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
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