Saturday, November 19, 2016


Thomas Jefferson said, "I have sworn on the Altar of Almighty God eternal hostility over every form of tyranny over the mind of [hu]mankind."

I've reported tobacco and liquor lobbyist JASON UNGER's scheduling of the November 28, 2016 meeting of our Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission in his own law firm offices, asking Florida Governor Scott and our Chief Inspector General to remedy it and investigate it.  This meeting should be held in a Courthouse or other proper government building.

JASON UNGER is GrayRobinson Managing Shareholder and lobbyist for special interests.

Like any good diplomats, "we won't take no for an answer."

Enough flummery, dupery and nincompoopery at the behest of corporate law firms in our State of Florida, here contaminating the judicial election process with an appearance of impropriety.

Here's my November 19, 2016 e-mail to our Governor and our Chief Inspector General's office:

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin
To: FL_GOV.InspectorGeneral ; scottopengov
Sent: Sat, Nov 19, 2016 1:49 pm
Subject: Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission meeting in office of corporate law firm, GrayRobinson; Open Records request No. 2016-436

Dear Governor Scott and Ms. Robinson:
1. Lobbyist Jason Unger, chair of our Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission, has scheduled eleven (11) candidate interviews during a November 28, 2016 meeting in his Orlando law firm office, not in a Courthouse or other suitable government building.  This is unseemly, at best.  Efforts to engage in moral suasion with Mr. Unger have been unavailing. Please see correspondence below.
2. Will you please remedy and investigate this appearance of impropriety?
3. Please provide any Florida records on the approval, origin, etiology and investigation of this corporate lobbyist's law firm venue for the Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating Commission meeting in the GrayRobinson law firm's offices in Orlando.  
4. Are any other JNC meetings ever held in law firm offices?  If so, please provide documents.  Will you please direct that the JNC cease and desist holding meetings in law firm offices or other non-government buildings, from this day forward?
5. Please provide financial disclosure forms for the members of the Judicial Nominating Commission on the Governor's website.
6. Thank you for helping remedy the illegal "No Trespassing" signs erected in Loring Park in the City of St. Augustine by the University of Florida. These six (6) illegal signs were erected at the behest of St. Augustine City Attorney Isabelle Christine Lopez, seeking to deny four (4) prevailing federal court plaintiff visual artists' First Amendment right to freedom of expression, as evidenced by her inculpatory e-mails to UF.  
7. Your interest and swift action apparently helped end this ugly First Amendment violation by UF and our City of St. Augustine, and within only twelve (12) days after it was reported to you.
Thank you for your prompt response.  
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin

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