Saturday, April 01, 2017


Eleven weeks into the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, the first Florida official to endorse DONALD TRUMP, Florida Attorney General PAMELA JO BONDI, just got:
(a) an Oval Office photo op; and
(b) appointment to a temporary federal commission on opioid abuse.
In the 2016 photo from the Tampa Bay Times (below), notice TRUMP is holding the umbrella over himself, not BONDI.
How gauche and louche of the pussy-grabbing brute.
But Herr TRUMP doled out to this "public servant" an illegal $25,000 "contribution" to from a "charity," a possible quid pro quo investment for blinkered AG BONDI's refusal to investigate TRUMP UNIVERSITY.  A fraud case against TRUMP UNIVERSITY just settled for $25,000,000).

Pam Bondi fuels speculation with visit to White House

Pam Bondi was the first statewide elected official in Florida to endorse Trump
Tampa Bay Times
Pam Bondi was the first statewide elected official in Florida to endorse Trump
Attorney General Pam Bondi may or may not wind up with a Trump administration job that months ago was widely assumed by her friends and allies to be imminent, but on Wednesday she will moderate President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump’s Women’s Empowerment Panel at the White House. 
Panelists include U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Administrator of the Small Business Administration Linda McMahon, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Seema Verma.
“As Florida’s first female attorney general, I am honored to moderate this panel with such remarkable and accomplished leaders,” said Attorney General Bondi.
Also, according to Politico, Bondi also used the opportunity to "talk about children's issues" in a meeting with Trump, DeVos and Dr. Ben Carson, secretary of housing and urban development.
She even took time to pose for a photo with Trump in the Oval Office. She was accompanied by former Tampa Bay Bucs coach Tony Dungy and fellow All Pro Dads advocate Mark Merrill, and Derrick Brooks, former Buc and co-founder of Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School in Tampa.

[Last modified: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 10:42am]

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