Monday, October 30, 2017

It's Morning in St. Augustine -- Change Comes to the St. Augustine Record Under GateHouse

The St. Augustine Record posted the full text of the indictment on Facebook after  TRUMP CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN PAUL JOHN MANAFORT, JR. was taken into FBI custody today and served with an indictment for conspiracy against the United States, false statements, money laundering and tax fraud.

It's been only 28 days since GateHouse acquired the Record from MORRIS COMMUNICATIONS.  The Record was among only a few newspapers to endorse President* Asterisk DONALD JOHN TRUMP, the Russian dupe.  The WRecKord was the only newspaper in the Western world not to carry on its front page the election of President Barack Obama the day after the 2008 Presidential election.

I'm pleased as punch that GateHouse now owns our local newspapers.   I'm tickled pink that the those dull Republican crypto-fascist TRUMP-endorsing clowns at MORRIS COMMUNICATIONS no longer have a voice in editorial endorsements in St. Johns County.  The air is already cleaner.

It's morning in St. Augustine and St. Johns County!  

Three cheers for GateHouse!  Time to report the news without fear or favor, comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable, and finally win some Pulitzers, folks!

As Tennessee's late liberal lion United States Senator Albert Gore, Sr.,  said on Election Night in 1970, "The truth shall rise again!"

By the way, those four Medici lions at our historic Bridge of Lions are  liberal lions.  Check out their names:  Firm and Faithful (west end) and Peace and Happiness (east end), gracing what has been regarded since 1927 as "the most beautiful bridge in Dixie."

1 comment:

  1. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!

    A little snake is swallowed by a much bigger snake.

    We can all look forward to slicker good cop bad cop lip stick on the Pig and more sophisocated brainwashing.

    Its been all down hill in this area since Anne Shindler got the boot from system wealth adoring Polio Weekly.

    Keep on pretending...
