Controversial St. Johns County Republican Chair WILLIAM KORACH was reportedly ousted after complaints, "filings and a hearing in Tallahassee," after which the Republican Party of Florida vacated KORACH's seat and designated JERRY CAMERON the Acting Chair.
So big-spending KORACH is OUT. Second Vice Chair DIANE SCHERRF has resigned. No comment from RPOF in response to e-mail and telephone messages.
Was this what CAMERON was talking about with Sheriff DAVID SHOAR on June 5th outside the St. Johns County Commission Taj Mahal meetings?
As Lincoln would say, "Why is this thus, and what is the reason for this thusness?'
The thick plottens.
Meetings have been cancelled.
Has money been peculated?
Was sexual harassment at issue?
And whatever happened to the proceeds from a 2017 fundraiser, which was attended by three-time Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter Walt Bogdanich of The New York Times and a photographer?
Congratulations to local activists, including Thomas F. Reynolds, Jr., Dr. Michel S. Pawlowski, D.Sci., for rightly raising concerns about fraud and abuse at SJC REC, including candidate endorsements, financial flummery and other rule-breaking.
The SJC REC is a shambles.
Eight candidates, ranging from the dodgy to the criminaloid, vie for the post, including xxxx.
"Every little movement has a meaning all its own" in SJCREC, our provincial local hick hack Hezbollah, the Party of God and Commerce, where oleaginous longtime SJC Chair WILLIAM KORACH allegedly spewed bigotry and spilled his drinks.
Radical SJC Republicans cheered when a outside speaker called President Barack Obama an "animal." It happened in 2016.
CARLOS BERUFF (then-Senate candidate and later Gov. RICK SCOTT''s hand-picked Constitution Revision Commission Chair), spoke at SJCREC. Twice BERUFF called President Obama an "animal."
CARLOS BERUFF's hatred was countenanced by several local Republican elected officials.
It was widely reported statewide and beyond (but only belatedly reported by STUART KORFHAGE of the St. Augustine Record, who demurely reported the speech was before an unidified "Republican group."
Diane Scherff is a lying snake, who had mental issues. Secondly, William Korach published a Blog called which was focused on education and helping make a change in the corrupt education system of the United States. He did a lot for St. Johns county and was responsible for positive election campaign results. He was a Naval officer, a family man, business leader and trusted for over 70 years.