Wednesday, April 19, 2023

ANNALS OF DeSANTISTAN: Disney Sees Ron DeSantis’s Prison-Complex Threat and Raises Him a “Pride Nite” Extravaganza. (VANITY FAIR)

Our feculent fetid fulminating Fox News promoted former St. Johns County Congressional Impersonator is making national headlines now.  Our disgraceful Koo-Koo Klan adjacent Flori-DUH Boy Governor RONALD DION DeSANTIS us a maniacal jerk and a rebarbative retromingent reprobate.  By retaliating against free speech by Florida's largest employer, DeSANCTIMONIOUS looks icky and kooky to me. What do y'all reckon?

From Vanity Fair:


Disney Sees Ron DeSantis’s Prison-Complex Threat and Raises Him a “Pride Nite” Extravaganza

The Florida governor has taken his authoritarian ambitions to new heights.

Ron DeSantis has not yet announced that he will run for president in 2024, but when and if he does, there’s a campaign slogan he should definitely consider—Ron DeSantis: If you like petty tyrants, he’s your guy. And we’re guessing Walt Disney would be happy to cover the costs of printing lawn signs and underwriting various merch!

Yes, in the latest round of the Florida governor versus the state’s largest employer, DeSantis threatened on Monday to punish the company through any array of absurd measures, including building a prison complex next to the theme park. (DeSantis’s threats were obvious retribution for the way Disney outmaneuvered him by passing covenants that rendered his handpicked governing board basically powerless.)

At a press conference held near Disney World, DeSantis sneered and spoke of the company: “They are not superior to the laws that are enacted by the people of the state of Florida. That’s not going to work, that’s not going to fly.” Then, after announcing that the Republican-controlled legislature would try to change state law in order to subject the theme park to new inspections, he suggested that the land next to Disney World might be turned into a rival park or perhaps a state prison. Oh, and the board he personally installed may look into raising Disney’s taxes too.

As a reminder, all of this is happening because Disney dared to criticize the wildly bigoted, DeSantis-backed “Don’t Say Gay” legislation last year in Florida, where you’re apparently not allowed to disagree with the authoritarian governor. Even former New Jersey governor and potential 2024 Republican candidate for president Chris Christie recognized the lunacy of DeSantis’s antics, asking, “Where are we headed here now, that if you express disagreement in this country, the government is allowed to punish you? To me, that’s what I always thought liberals did.” Christie added, of DeSantis, “That’s not the guy I want sitting across from President Xi [Jinping] and negotiating our next agreement with China, or sitting across from [Vladimir] Putin and trying to resolve what’s happening in Ukraine, if you can’t see around a corner that [Disney CEO] Bob Iger created for you.” (Naturally, Christie did not mention his own alleged brush with retaliating against peoplewho have differing opinions.)

Meanwhile, on Truth Social, Donald Trump, DeSantis’s would-be 2024 rival, wrote: “DeSanctus is being absolutely destroyed by Disney. His original P.R. plan fizzled, so now he’s going back with a new one in order to save face. Disney’s next move will be the announcement that no more money will be invested in Florida because of the Governor - In fact, they could even announce a slow withdrawal or sale of certain properties, or the whole thing. Watch! That would be a killer. In the meantime, this is all so unnecessary, a political STUNT! Ron should work on the squatter MESS!”

On Monday, Disney seemingly responded to DeSantis’s threats by publicizing “Disneyland After Dark: Pride Nite,” a two-night event that will be held in June to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and its allies.

We’re assuming that didn’t go over so great in the governor’s mansion, and that DeSantis is currently asking his lawyers to look into whether he can have Mickey executed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would be a symbol of Republican government in Florida though. Attack workers and construct a prison on the very grounds of a workplace that you attacked.