Saturday, August 12, 2023

ANNALS OF DeSANTISTAN: Chris Christie slams Ron DeSantis over Florida's new Black history curriculum. (NBC News, July 23, 2023)

 “I didn’t do it, and I wasn’t involved in it." -- Florida governor RONALD DION DeSANTIS on the attack on Black history by his Administration's appointees in the Florida Department of Education.  Our maladroit ex-Congressman and current cowardly Governor, DeSANTIS knows a thing or two about buck-passing.  

A graduate of the Naval Justice School and Harvard Law School, DeSANTIS is like TRUMP, never taking responsibility for anything, always pointing the bony finger of indignation at anyone or anything. 

Even Black history and Disney are not immune to this crazy Boy Governor's ranting cant. 

President Harry S Truman had a sign on his desk about buck-passing: "The buck stops here."  (In federal parlance, a "buck slip" was a simple yellow paper form referring attached document to someone else for action, or inaction.) 

Here's former N.J. Governor and former federal prosecutor Chris Christie mocking DeSANTIS for his buck-passing on his own damn bill.  

Yes, my friends, this goofy Governor has a can't do spirit, and ranting cant to go with it.

Bless his heart.

DeSANTIS's heart seems de minimis, if not de micromis.  Perhaps with proper care and rest, his heart might one day swell up to be the size of a June pea.

From NBC News:

Chris Christie slams Ron DeSantis over Florida's new Black history curriculum

"DeSantis started this fire with the bill that he signed, and now he doesn’t want to take responsibility for whatever is done in the aftermath," the former New Jersey governor said.
Republican presidential candidate former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie during a town hall  in Columbia, S.C., on Friday, July 21, 2023,
Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie at a town hall in Columbia, S.C., on Friday.Meg Kinnard / AP


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Fat pig Donald Trump recently called Chris Christie a fat pig in front of a crowd of morally bankrupt conservatives.

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Yeah he's never involved in things that draw backlash or for bad things that happen in Florida. However, he will claim credit for whatever things just happen to pan out or just spontaneously happen and voters are happy about it. These empty suits are liers, they don't have any integrity, and they just entertain stupid people. The best thing that ever comes from a Republican governor is that nothing changes. The dopes who vote this way are happy about that until their policies or lack thereof effect them directly. The bar is so low that no one would even blame a Republican for the high prices with unaffordable housing in Florida.. but it's ALLLL them.
