Monday, September 18, 2023

Trump attacks ‘liberal Jews’ amid celebration of Rosh Hashanah. (WaPo)

Never again. My Georgetown University professor for "Modern Foreign Governments" was Jan Karski, a Polish Catholic nobleman and foreign service officer, who survived Nazi torture and capture as a Polish officer, who taught us well about Jew-haters.  I pity the fools like those who worship TRUMP.

To our uninformed St. Augustine, St. Johns County and other neighbors, who may yet till worship at the altar of Trumpery, flummery, dupery and nincompoopery: get off your high horse.  

DONALD JOHN TRUMP has always been a Jew-hater, since he and his father discriminated against Jewish people in rental of apartments.  Empowered by the likes of crooked lawyer ROY MARCUS COHN, TRUMP and his father fooled no one about their Jew-hating pathology.

To our recovering Republican friends, are you paying attention?

From The Washington Post:

Trump attacks ‘liberal Jews’ amid celebration of Rosh Hashanah

Former president Donald Trump speaks at summit in Washington on Friday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
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On the final day of the Jewish New Year, former president Donald Trump shared a flier on social media accusing “liberal Jews” who didn’t support him of having voted “to destroy America & Israel.”

In a post Sunday on Truth Social, his social media platform, the 2024 Republican presidential front-runner added a flier created by the organization JEXIT — a group that seeks to draw Jewish voters away from the Democratic Party. Text featured in the flier appears on the group’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

“Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward!” the flier reads. “Happy New Year!”

Trump’s post amid the celebration of Rosh Hashanah drew strong rebuke, with Jewish Council for Public Affairs chief executive Amy Spitalnick calling it “antisemitic.”

Jewish people have historically voted for Democrats in far greater numbers than for Republicans, and Trump has a lengthy history of attacking Jews who don’t support him.

Trump, who nominated antiabortion judges, calls six-week bans ‘terrible’

In March 2019, for instance, ahead of a visit by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump said Democrats are “anti-Israel” and “anti-Jewish."

Months later, in August 2019, he said that any Jewish people who vote for Democrats are showing “either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty,” prompting an outcry from critics who said the president’s remarks were promoting antisemitic stereotypes.

In December last year, Trump once again attacked American Jews as not supporting him enough. Leaning on the antisemitic trope that U.S. Jews hold secret loyalty to Israel rather than the United States, Trump suggested that they should show more appreciation to Israel and to him, since he believed “no president” had done more for Israel than he had.

The former president has long expressed frustration that support for him among U.S. Jews hasn’t grown, particularly since as president he moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The flier Trump shared on Truth Social on Sunday listed the move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and the 2019 U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the disputed territory of the Golan Heights as proof that the former president is not an antisemite.

Michelle Terris, founder of JEXIT, said Trump posted the flier after having dinner with JEXIT board member Siggy Flicker, a former cast member of the “Real Housewives of New Jersey,” over the weekend.

“We believe he shared it on Truth Social because he is so proud of his record of support for the Jewish community in America and for the State of Israel,” Terris said.

Mariana Alfaro is a reporter for The Washington Post's breaking political news team. The El Salvador native joined The Post in 2019. Before that, Mariana interned at the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Insider, and The Texas Tribune.  


  1. Edzilla2:49 PM

    Conservative Republicans in the USA pretend to like Jews because Israel has right wing parties and of course Jews are in the Bible. Not to mention conservatives in the USA hate Muslims and perceive Israelis as having problems with Muslims as well. But as soon as they find out that a Jew is left leaning, then out comes the anti-semitism and anti-semitic conspiracy theories. That's how that works and we can see that in this case.

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    It's funny that stupid woman Laura Loomer, who hates DeSantis but loves Trump, can't see that he's whipped up hate and could care less about Jews or anyone else for that matter. She won't view what Trump said in a negative light. She also went to confront some neo nazis here recently and endured hate speech for social media attention. Those neo nazis wouldn't be putting on some show if it weren't for the right wing politics that we've seen this last decade. She caused herself to be degraded by other people on the right.
