Saturday, October 28, 2023

Mike Johnson Hates America, But He Believes He Can Save It “We’re living in a completely amoral society.” (David Corn, Mother Jones)

This insurrectionist-supporting election-denying fundamentalis Pharisee, like other corporate cat's paws, pretends to be a Christian, while proving otherwise in his approach to extremists, corporations, and Kultukampf.  Is extremist Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives JAMES MICHAEL JOHNSON (b. January 30, 1972) little more than an unreasonable facsimile of House Judiciary Committee Chair JAMES "Gym" JORDAN, dressed up with a suit jacket and a smile?  Mother Jones investigative reporter David Corn exposes the recrudescence of Dull Republican ideologues who seek to impose their religious belief on Americans.  We are better than this.  We reject the American Taliban, and all its works and pomps.  Thanks to Mother Jones!  

Mike Johnson Hates America, But He Believes He Can Save It

“We’re living in a completely amoral society.”

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