Monday, June 10, 2024

Brevard public speaking controversy: Who is guilty of disrespect, appalling behavior? (Florida Today)

Commissioner Jason Steele

As the St. Augustine Record editorialized about the City of St. Augustine in 2005. our elected officials "need thicker skins."  Who the heck is JASON STEELE?  This Brevard County Commission Chair is yet another classless, clueless, creepy Governor RONALD DeSANTIS appointee, a former Brevard County Republican Executive Committee Chair, former state legislator and brother of a late former County Commissioner, and longtime louche lobbyist. 

Brevard public speaking controversy: Who is guilty of disrespect, appalling behavior?

Dave Berman
Florida Today

Brevard County Commission Chair Jason Steele says that public speakers at commission meetings should be more respectful of commissioners. The same public speakers say the same thing about Steele and the other commissioners.

Now Steele has asked the county's attorney to detail procedures under which members of the public can be removed from meetings by sheriff's deputies.

Steele's request came at the end of a contentious May 21 commission meeting, in which several members of the public were removed or threatened with removal from the chambers ― something that has rarely happened at commission meetings until recently.

"I'm really getting sick and tired of what's happening in this room," Steele said toward the end of the 3½-hour meeting. "The disrespect that we're getting from the audience is, in my opinion, way overboard. I'm not going to let this turn into a zoo in here. It's the same 10 people every time. It's the same thing every time."

Canaveral Groves resident Katie Delaney addresses the Brevard County Commission on May 21, related to the cutting of trees along Rockledge Drive in unincorporated Brevard.

Steele said he is willing to take constructive criticism, but he won't allow members of the public to be rude to commissioners or county staff.

Among speakers threatened with removal from the May 21 meeting was Canaveral Groves resident Katie Delaney, a Republican candidate for County Commission in North Brevard's District 1.

During her public comment at that meeting, Delaney was critical of what she felt was the commission's lack of respect and lack of trust for members of the audience when they were commenting on several issues. She said county staff was "gaslighting the public" related to the county's cutting of trees along Rockledge Drive in unincorporated Brevard.

"You all are not above the people," Delaney told commissioners. "So what do you expect when the citizens come here, outraged? The public trust is eroded, and you guys need to fix that."

As Delaney was ending her three-minute public comment and began walking away from the podium, Steele said he was tired of the public disrespect from speakers.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Katie?" Steele said. "Look, I am not going to let these rooms turn into complete disruption. It's not going to happen."

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of commission, you'll notice that they'll approve churches all day long but not housing for the homeless and low income housing. That should tell you something about not only the GOP but the church. Instead of pushing political leaders to put a roof over the heads of the needy, they'll they'd rather put roofs over the heads of the delusional for short periods of time and build country clubs dedicated to things not backed by any proof or evidence. Is that what Jesus did? Build large spaces for grifting and socializing? No, he fed people and healed the sick for free.
