Sunday, June 09, 2024

TIME FOR A NO BRIBERY CAMPAIGN IN ST. JOHNS COUNTY (2008 and 2016 blog post, updated)

Our County Commissioners have the right to remain silent, but we wish they wouldn't.  Whenever government reforms are proposed, they stick their noses in the air and look the other way.  Wonder why?


Taped red-handed by the FBI, Sheriff DAVID SHOAR said on June 11, 2008, FBI tape transcript here:
SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR: And I'm thinking here tonight, I'm going, you know, why didn't he use a buffer for God's sake. I would have at least had my brother-in-law pick the package up, you know.
GEORGE MCCLURE: The bag man.
SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR: You know, I mean, he didn't even use the bag man.

Yes, Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR f/k/a "HOAR" let it slip on an FBI tape made by ROGERS  TOWERS lawyer GEORGE MORRIS McCLURE, a developer mouthpiece flipped by FBI to help arrest County Commission Chair THOMAS G. MANUEL in 2008.

Since this blog post, St. Johns County hired a County Administrator who did not apply for the job, a man who was an unindicted coconspirator in a federal bribery case alleging he took $8000 in campaign contributions from a Clerk of Courts contractor, "intended as a bribe." No background check.

We hired a new County Attorney who did not apply for the job, on the basis that he is a "friend" of Governor DeSANTIS apppoinktdeed ROY ALYRE ALAIMO, Jr.

We've doled out "incentives" to dodgy, brand-new LLCs.

We've doled out zoning favors to develope-Senator TRAVIS JAMES HUTSOn.

We need transparency. 

We need to end one-party rule and corruption.

We need an anti-bribery campaign in the State of Florida.
People who are offered bribes should turn in the bribepayer.
People who are asked to give bribes should turn in the public official.
A culture of corruption can be changed one day at a time, just as courageous citizens have done in Sicily.
Stand up to bribepayers and bribetakers, who destroy our democracy.
Interesting that there's never been one editorial in local newspapers against bribery, even though our former Republican County Commission Chair and a county zoning official pled guilty to bribery and the FBI Corruption Task Force in Daytona is hot on the trail of local corruption.
"Does it show?"  Those were the immortal words of U.S. Rep. Richard Kelly (R-Florida), stuffing $25,000 into his pockets during the ABSCAM scandal, prosecuted by the late Roger Adelman of the United States Attorney's office for the District of Columbia, who died recently.
"It shows."  Look who's contributing to Sheriff SHOAR's campaign, and those of other candidates.
Ethically challenged developers, for whom SHOAR works day and night.
"It shows"  -- ask the St. Augustine neighbors concerned about the DOW PUD, treated disrespectfully by four out of five Commissioners.  In addition to the corrupt University of Florida "Opinion Paper," and the conflicted City Commissioner who requested it, there was the stench of corruption in our City Commission meeting room on August 24-2015.
Commissioners TODD NEVILLE, NANCY SIKES-KLINE, LEANNA FREEMAN and ROXANNE HORVATH are unjust stewards.  Time for them to go.
FBI must investigate them and their ties to developers, as well as  two paid-off Historic Architectural Review Board members (JEREMY MARQUIS and HARB Vice Chair PAUL M. WEAVER, III) both working in tandem for developer DAVID BARTON CORNEAL's payroll (in possible violation of 18 U.S.C. 666 and Sunshine laws), as well as our estimable former Vice Mayor, DONALD CRICHLOW, working as a lobbyist less than two years after leaving office in violation of Florida ethics laws.  F.S. 112.313(14).
Is the culture of corruption in the State of Florida that pervasive that the WRecKord can't write an editorial calling for whistle blowing in the midst of an FBI anti-corruption investigation of local fiefdoms, including Sheriff DAVID BERNERD SHOAR f/k/a "HOAR?"
There's corruption in our midst.  "It shows."
What do you reckon?


Curtis said...

Kim Kendall pretending to be on the burning Trump train wreck for votes. They'll say anything they have to I suppose. The worst case scenario would be if she meant it!

David Shoar said...

If I gave you a million dollars to shut down this webpage.. you would do it. Get a life Slavin.

Ed Slavin said...

How trite.