Friday, August 23, 2024

ANNALS OF DeSANTISTAN -- Ex-aide spent $15.90 per vote -- that's what DeSANTIS-appointed ROY ALYRE ALAIMO, JR. SPENT TO LOSE

Developer fanboy ROY ALYRE ALAIMO, JR. with Governor RONALD DION DeSANTIS, who appointed him to County Commission.  ALAIMO was an unpopular SJC Republican Chair who endured votes of no confidence.  ALAIMO is  a partisan GQP hack who wrote a fundraising letter in favor of extirpating non-Republicans from nonpartisan County Boards and Committees, while signing another fundraiser, overly anti-LGBQT+, supporting  then Commission Chair JEREMIAH RAY BLOCKER's previously silent blocking of a Gay Pride proclamation. Contributions continue to roll in until the deadline.  

(Drum roll).

$15.90 per vote -- that's what the County Commission primary campaign of the unpopular former St. Johns County Republican Executive Committee chair, Gov. DeSANTIS-appointed County Commissioner developer puppet ROY ALYRE ALAIMO, JR. reports that it spent to LOSE to Clay Murphy in the August 20, 2024 closed Republican Primary for St. Johns County Commission, Seat 3.  PACs and County staff work not included.  ALAIMO is most noted for recommending the hiring of RICHARD KOMANDO, whom he identified as his friend, as the Interim County Attorney.  No job application. No resume. No background check.  St. Johns County is perhaps the most corrupt county in Florida, but two of three incumbents on the August 20 ballot went down do defeat in the closed Republican Primary, where "Postcards from the Edge" threw sand in voters eyes with trite tropes, cultish beliefs, guilt by association, and irrelevant non sequiturs.  They infected mailboxes with drivel about liberals, conservatives, Gay Pride and candidates who once contributed to Democrats.  Hope it was worth it, big spenders.

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