Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Anatomy of Another SJC Sweetheart Contract: RESOLUTION 2023- RFP 23-32: Solid Waste Residential Collection Contract

UPDATE August 20, 2024:  County Commission canceled the sweetheart contract unanimously.  See separate article.

The subject of public comments are now omitted from our SJC BoCC minutes. Also omitted, links to the precise point in the video where each speaker may be heard.

SJC BoCC Chair SARAH ARNOLD has never matriculated. She has a chip on her shoulder. Chair ARNOLD, like three of her colleagues, is too often disrespectful to First Amendment protected activity, as when she joined in the illegal, unconstitutional censure of Krista Joseph.

At the December 19, 2023 Commission meeting, Chair ARNoLD did nothing to get our questions answered. Now we're stuck with a sweetheart contract for garbage collection.  If ARNOLD and colleagues ad paid attention to public questions and concerns, and to Commissioner Krista Joseph, St. Johns County would not be up the creek with a crappy contractor for solid waste collection.  Watch my questions here: Click on item 2,  RFP 23-32:  Solid Waste Residential Collection Contract, or go directly to hear my three (3) minutes at 1:26:53

At the August 6, 2024 meeting, I asked our County government to transcribe the December 19, 2023 public questions on this contact and place it on the website. 

No response. 

Here are the censored, selective or Bowdlerized minutes of the December 23, 2024 meeting, produced by the SJC Clerk of Courts, which is no longer allowed to do its job in summarizing Commission meetings:

2. Award of RFP No. 23-32, Residential Solid Waste, Recycling and Yard Waste Collection Services. The County currently has contracts for residential solid waste, recycling, and yard waste collection services. These contracts expire on July 31, 2024, and have no remaining renewals. The Purchasing Department issued a new Request for Proposals (RFP) in accordance with the St. Johns County Purchasing Policy. On August 24, 2023, the County received proposals from seven qualified contractors, which were provided to the Evaluation Committee to review and score. Based upon the evaluation of the proposals, FCC Environmental Services Florida, LLC, was identified as the top ranked firm, and staff subsequently negotiated a contract for the required services. Staff recommends Board approval to award RFP No. 23-32, to FCC Environmental Services, LLC, as the top ranked firm, and to execute the negotiated contract with FCC Environmental Services, LLC. Due to the size of some attachments, they are available upon request from Jaime Locklear at

Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting December 19, 2023


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Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting December 19, 2023

Greg Caldwell, Public Works Director, presented the details of the RFP. Discussion ensued on FCC’s reliability, accountability, credibility, and performance. Kealey West, Senior Assistant County Attorney, spoke about contract default provisions and liquidation damages for non- performance. Caldwell introduced Charles Markley, Dan Brazil, and Mitch Dahlstrom, with the FCC Environmental Services, LLC, who spoke about their company and providing local staff for customer service support.

Public Comment: Greg Huntington, Chuck Labanowski, Joe McAnarney, Ann-Marie Evans, Judy Spiegel, Ed Slavin, Bill Brinkley, B.J. Kalaidi, Malcolm Fabre, and Mary O’Brien provided public comment.

Caldwell responded to the public’s concerns regarding recycling bins, the RPF process, and the contract cost. Discussion ensued on contract rates, having separate competitive service providers for the hurricane season, acquiring trucks, the division of services in the county, funding options, and exploring liability testing without imposing charges on the residents.

Motion by Dean, seconded by Whitehurst, carried 4/1, via roll call vote, with Joseph dissenting, to adopt Resolution No. 2023-527, authorizing the county administrator, or designee, to award RFP No. 23-32, Residential Solid Waste, Recycling and Yard Waste Collection Services to FCC Environmental Services Florida, LLC, as the highest-ranked proposer, and to execute the negotiated contract for the performance of the specified services in accordance with RFP No. 23-32.

Yea: Alaimo, Arnold, Whitehurst, Dean Nay: Joseph

Motion by Dean, seconded by Whitehurst, carried 4/1, via roll call vote, with Joseph dissenting, to direct staff to bring back a funding option, for MSBU rate option three, for Board consideration.

Yea: Alaimo, Arnold, Whitehurst, Dean Nay: Joseph

1 comment:

  1. Johnny11:25 AM

    Just make sure the CEO of that company is a Republican and will donate to the campaign of a Republican. Isn't that what you were told Ed? That you had to be a Republican to do anything here?
