Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Pride vs. Prejudice in St. Johns County

I am proud to have helped persuade the American Bar Association House of Delegates to pass a Gay rights resolution at their February 1989 Midyear meeting in Denver, Colorado. I am not proud that certain St. Johns County Commissioners refuse to support LGBTQ+ rights (or a Pride Proclamation). Republican NICOLE CRANBERG CROSBY's PAC has even attacked our friend, Isaac Henry Dean, 5th District Commissioner, for his defense of LGBTQ rights. Nothing great was ever accomplished by being small.  CROSBY's unAmerican anti-Gay ad campaign against Commissioner Isaac Henry Dean reminds me of the words of the late Robert Bork,"unsurpassed ugliness."

1 comment:

  1. Some of them play off people's bigotry for support. Who would want such people's support? Bigots are the people who need other bigots to thrive. Just poor culture and character..
