Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The truth in political advertising: 'You're allowed to lie'. (Domenico Montanaro, NPR, March 17, 2022)

How many tons of Postcards from the Edge, paranoid-sounding political messages with trite tropes, have littered registered Republicans' mailboxes in 2024?   Our Manichean madness, in which candidates and PACs use "woke" and "liberal" as epithets, as they all accuse each other of being "woke" and "liberal?"  How many trees have been killed to support tree-killing billionaires and millionaires?  Why do supporters of election denier KARI LAKE suppose themselves moral authorities on anything? Why is support for Gay Pride used as a cudgel to assault an elected officials? 

From NPR: 

The truth in political advertising: 'You're allowed to lie'

1 comment:

  1. So many harms being done to society, by liars and grifters, under the guise of "free speech." It's chaos and not too many people calling for common sense. How far will the free speech lemmings go before the nation is completely degraded? Same thing with guns. Extreme freedom bringing extreme chaos.
