Monday, August 12, 2024


Update:  August 12, 2024: Saw ANN TAYLOR at August 6, 2024 County Commission meeting.  Showing her animus by staring hate states at me, again.  When I asked for an interview, she wrote back that she was "busy" campaigning, and could not speak to me after the closed Republican Primary on August 20, 2024.


The late David Brian Wallace and I met in Washington, D.C. July 25, 1989. Ten years later, Brian and I moved together to St. Johns County. on November 5, 1999.  We had visited here in 1992, fell in love with the place, and moved here as soon as we could -- treasured our history and nature, like many people, since the days of Henry Morrison Flagler. 

But it was only a month after moving here, Brian had it figured out: "It's crooked around here," he announced one afternoon, after talking to locals and reading the incomparable Folio Weekly.  We loved our town, if not our nasty politics. He died in 2020.  

Now, as a nearly 25 year resident of St. Johns County, I'm concerned with the latest closed Republican Primary election to pick our next District 5 County Commissioner. I've known incumbent Isaac Henry Dean since 2015, and I have often opined on his work. 

I never got to interview Commissioner Henry Dean's challenger, Ms. Ann Taylor.  She seems to have a chip on her shoulder. I remember the first several times that Ann Taylor, a ten year resident, nervously appeared at several County Commission meetings with her handlers: Ann Taylor looked hostile. I thought it was a bit odd that Ann Taylor was repeatedly staring at me with what appeared to be an intense stare of hatred, like the one that the late Robert Kennedy described he would receive from James Riddle Hoffa at Senate hearings.  Ms. Taylor probably doesn't associate with people like me. I think she's probably lacking in respect for diversity.  But Ann Taylor's lack of a welcoming spirit reflects poorly upon her ability to represent people in St. St. Johns County. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    All the same.. conservative ginger bread men and women. They look like someone just went to town on a sheet of cookie dough. Kids turn out the same usually. Bake kids head in church, infuse with nationalist ideology, rinse and repeat..
