Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Angry, Anti-Gay Former PZA Chair GREG MATOVINA's Odd Notion of "Civility"

From this blog, June 17, 2021.  Update: GREG MATOVINA is now a zoning applicant for so-called "affordable housing" project, called Osceola Lakes. St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners now hearing the application.  MATOVINA talks fast.  He's in a hurry to get this project approved before two new Commissioners take office.   Update: Commissioners rejected MATOVINA's hare-brained scheme by vote of 4-1.  The only vote in favor of the Osceola Lakes development was by (drum roll), his friend ROY ALYRE ALAIMO, JR. developer doormat, whom MATOVINA defended when I criticized ALAIMO's anti-Gay hate letter, which MATOVINA claimed June 17, 2021 was not a hate letter, threatening to have me removed from the meeting.  Karma.   Funnily enough, Commissioners never required any witnesses to be sworn.  The maladroit County Commissioners never required the "blind trust" developer to identify itself.  As James Madison said it best, "A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or perhaps both. Knowlege will for ever govern ignorance: and a people who mean to be their own Governours, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."  August 4, 1822 letter to James T. Barry. on National Archives website at https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/04-02-02-0480#:~:text=A%20popular%20Government,%20without%20popular%20information,%20or%20the

Thursday, June 17, 2021

PZA CHAIR GREG MATOVINA's anti-Gay notion of "civility" on hate letter by REC Chair ROY ALAIMO, Jr. 

St. Johns County Planning and Zoning Agency Chair GREG MATOVINA, a Jacksonville real estate developer, just interrupted me during non-agenda public comment, and he unfairly accused me of making a "personal attack." I was questioning the actions of departing PZA Vice Chair ROY ALAIMO, JR., St. Johns County Republican Executive Committee Chair, over his controversial June 14, 2021 hate letter in the St. Augustine Record, co-signed by TAMARA RENUART.  
ALAIMO and RENUART made misleading and hostile statements about endorsing "lifestyles," eschewing Supreme Court decisions affirming Gay Rights. (Let she who is without sin case the first stone.)
GREG MATOVINA, real estate developer, nasty, brutish, short-tempered PZA Chair threatened to have me removed in retaliation for protected activity in critiziing ALAIMO.
Loudmouth Chair MATOVINA refused to stop the clock during his interruptions.
I quoted what RFK said after Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. was murdered in Memphis: "What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness, but is love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice towards those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or whether they be black."
To rebut bigot ALAIMO, I also tried to explain how much GLBTQIA+ people have accomplished since 1566, when St. Augustine founder Pedro Menendez de Aviles ordered a Gay French interpreter be garroted to death because he was a "Sodomite and a Lutheran."
So if an uncouth St. Johns County Dull Republican blocks a vote on a Gay Pride proclamation (JEREMIAH RAY BLOCKER), and another Dull Republican publishes an anti-Gay hate letter (REC Chair ROY ALAIMO, JR.), another Dull Republicans will cover for him/her, and shut down discussion and debate?  
I told PZA Chair GREG MATOVINA that he was not a good chair, and that ALAIMO was not a good Chair, either.
Rude, crude, louche, lugubrious goobers like ALAIMO, RENUART, MATOVINA AND BLOCKER are a stench in the hostrils of our Nation.

1 comment:

  1. Travis9:50 AM

    Jesus was not a bigot into far right propaganda and lying.
