Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Anonymice Unmasked: Here's What Homicide Prosecutor and Retired Judge Robert Mathis Wrote About the Fourth Amendment Violations of Sheriff DAVID SHOAR in 2009

Former St. Johns County Circuit Court Judge Robert Mathis resigned, later becoming the homicide prosecutor in State's Attorney RALPH JOSEPH LARIZZA's office.
Judge Robert Mathis was deeply involved in LARIZZA's failure to prosecute anyone for the shooting of Michelle O'Connell.
At the time of Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR's illegal 2009 wiretapping of attorney-client conversations, Judge Mathis posted to the St. Augustine Record website, mocking those concerned about it!
Here's what Judge Mathis wrote:
Does any of the first comment have to do with this stupid case??? Any idiot knows that all conversations in an interview room are audio and video taped, and Ms. Gennusa has been representing criminal defendants long enough that she certainly knows that. This is a perfect example of why people who file frivolous lawsuits should have to pay the other side's attorney fees and costs. She should be ashamed of herself!
Bob Mathis 12/10/09 7:34 AM
Don't forget
Ms. Gennusa is married to a deputy sheriff. I can't believe she didn't know the interview rooms were wired. She just didn't think to ask to have the equitment turned off before she talked to her client and decided to take the statement back. This is much ado about nothing.
Bob Mathis 12/10/09 4:03 PM

To recap:
Judge Robert Mathis called the lawsuit "frivolous."
Judge Robert Mathis said the plaintiff should be required to pay defense costs.
Judge Robert Mathis called it a "stupid case."
Judge Robert Mathis said the plaintiff "should be ashamed of herself!"
Of course, Judge Robert Mathis in 2009 wrote under an anonymous name (olddog); his name is now publicly revealed, mutatis mutandis!
I am not going to say anything about "old dogs" and learning "new tricks," but his comment reflects:
(a) bias toward the Sheriff and against Constitutional rights;
(b) a lack of self-control;
(c) a lack of judicial temperament;
(d) a lack of civility;
(e) a lack of respect for dissent;
(f) a lack of respect for our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Fourth Amendment and Founding Fathers' wisdom;
(g) a lack of respect for the stare decisis of the United States SUpreme Court.
As both a judge and a prosecutor, Judge Mathis took oaths to "support, protect and defend" our Constitution.
Were his fingers crossed?
Did he mean it when he took this oaths?
With our Constitution having putative "friends" like Judge Robert Mathis, who needs enemies (or even anenomies)?
Judge Robert Mathis' "sins have found him out."
Judge Robert Mathis should apologize.
Judge Robert Mathis is the son of the late Charles Mathis, the 42-year county judge who sentenced the St. Augustine Four to rape-prone juvenile prison for demonstrating against segregation.
Forgive Judge Charles Mathis!
Forgive Judge Robert Mathis!
As our United Nations Ambassador, Adlai Stevenson said in Dallas in 1963, "I believe in the forgiveness of sins and the redemptino of ignorance." (He had just been spat upon by a mob of rightists dingbats).
Four federal judges -- one trial and three appellate -- have found that Sheriff SHOAR violated the Fourth Amendment.
Hooray for Federal Courts!
How pitiful is our State's Attorney's office that a prosecutor posted anonymous hate speech directed against a prevailing civil rights plaintiff?
RALPH JOSEPH LARIZZA and his erstwhile mentor and former employee, Judge Mathis should "be ashamed" of themselves.

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