Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In the tank with CHARLES CRIST

Ever notice how the Establishment media already act as if ex-Governor, ex-Republican, ex-independent, always-changing chameleon CHARLES CRIST is already the Democratic nominee for Governor, running against RICHARD SCOTT?
He's not.
We have a primary. It is August 26, 2014.
Nan Rich is running, and she's a Democrat. Our Establishment refuses to cover Nan Rich. They're not covering the Democratic primary.
Lousy political reporters?
Shrieking shallowness?
Corporate bias?
Downright dupery and deference to former AKERMAN SENTERFITT partner DANIEL SAUL GELBER, who is playing sherpa to CHARLES CRIST?
CRIST was Governor and chose to run for U.S. Senate, losing twice -- once in the Republican Primary and once in the General Election as an Independent.
Now he wants his old gig back.
As Senator Gary Warren Hart's campaign literature said in 1974, "They've had their turn. Now it's our turn." (accompanied by photo of Richard Nixon and Senator Peter Dominic, with their arms around each other).
Nan Rich would be the first woman Governor.
How cool is that?
Nan Rich would be the first Jew to be Governor.
How cool is that?
How's that for diversity?
Boring 'ole CHARLES CRIST would be more of the same, a washed-up ex-Republican, ex-Independent, aways changing chameleon who will say anything to get elected.
CRIST named KAREN STERN to the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Commission, AFTER we defeated her for re-election to St. Johns County Commission.
CHARLES CRIST is a stooge for the rich and powerful, just like Governor RICHARD SCOTT.
Color them colorless, Tweedledee and Tweedledumdum.
What do you reckon?

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