Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve, 2013

This is Alexis O'Connell's fourth Christmas without her mother, Michelle O'Connell, shot to death with her boyfriend's St. Johns County Sheriff's Department handgun on September 2, 2010.

Hopes, prayers and best wishes to Alexis and the O'Connell family for Chrismas and tne New Year.

Justice for Michelle O'Connell!

In the New Year, I look forward to helping hold governments accountable, as I have done since college days at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Never again will St. Augustine and St. Johns County residents worship the power-hungry political machine here. We've seen the New York Times and PBS Frontline stories, and we know what they do -- we see right through their works and pomps.

St. Johns County Sheriff DAVID SHOAR claims he has not watched the PBS Frontline story, "A Death in St. Augustine."

Do you believe SHOAR?

The whole world is watching and SHOAR says he refuses to watch the program, which is on the Internet forever.

At the St. Johns County Jail, published policies say that PBS is the only TV channel that inmates may watch. Did the inmates watch the Frontline story? Do they believe that SHOAR wasn't watching when his own overt acts were on national teleision?

If SHOAR didn't watch, why?

Guilty conscience? Cognitive dissonance? Or more lies?

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas famously claimed in 1991 that he refused to watch Anita Hill's testimony on national television.

Guilty conscience? Cognitive dissonance? Or more lies?

Like Clarence Thomas, SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR is caught in the searchlight of national publicity, lying about his own wrongdoing. Like Clarence Thomas, SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR is pretending that he and his deputy are the victims. SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR's apparatchik acolyte, MICHAEL GOLD, writes on his website (HISTORIC CITY NEWS) that there is a "witch hunt." Clarence Thomas said he was subjected to a "high-tech lynching." Both men are dull self-righteous Republican reprobates, lacking in character, who can only ululate. They are nothing for anyone to emulate.

Justice Clarance Thomas was a sexual harasser.

SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR covered up domestic violenc involving his own deputies, refusing to recuse himself in the case of a shooting of a deputy's girlfriend with a service revolver, icredibly and impossible ascribed to "suicide."

SHERIFF SHOAR has rebutted none of the forensic evidence.
"Witch hunt?"

Go tell that to the O'Connell family, whom SHOAR never bothered to speak with after the death of Michelle O'Connell.

SHOAR should have recused himself and his entire department. It was a blatant conflict of interest for deputies to investigate their colleague and friend, whose family SHOAR has known "for a long, long, long time."

The shoddy non-investigation of the Michelle O'Connell shooting death reflects discredit on St. Johns County. We need a woman Sheriff, a new State's Attorney, a new Medical Examiner, and County Commissioners with guts. We need a County Charter, an Inspector General, and an Ombuds, and never again must a Sheriff be permitted to rule without accountability. Enough of vile Caudillos like SHOAR and the late racist reprobate KKK member Sheriff LAWRENCE O. DAVIS (1949-70), removed by Florida's Governor and State Senate for corruption, who is fulsomely praised on Sheriff SHOAR's website, with multiple falsehoods (including how the State Senate exonerated him).

SHERIFF DAVID SHOAR is no martyr, and many believe he is shielding a possible murderer in his ranks.

Again, Alexis O'Connell, age 7, is spending her fourth Christmas without her mother, Michelle O'Connell.

Justice for Michelle O'Connell in 2014.

As Albert Gore, Sr. said on Election night 1970, "The truth shall rise again!"'

Justice for Michelle O'Connell in 2014!

1 comment:

Warren Celli said...


The primary reason that there is no justice for Michelle O’Connell is that the Saint John’s County Business Community is DEEPLY COMPLICIT in the development of David Shoar’s sociopathic character.

It is these greedy Xtrevilist Saint John’s County merchant’s who trained him and encouraged his submissive, butt sucking enforcement, of their knowingly and willfully created long string of patently unconstitutional Jim Crow laws. David Shoar is being used as the cheap toilet paper that wipe’s the gluttonous ass of the Saint John’s County business community.

By usurping the ‘rule of law’ in this fashion, and engaging in this ever so transparent pattern and practice of criminal activity, these Saint John’s County Merchants have [As I have said many times before on my fountainofbaloney.com web site] conspired to; suppress and eliminate political opposition so as to illegally and immorally control the government; to demonize and eliminate an entire recognizable class of people (street artists, entertainers, and the homeless — a hate crime) just like blacks were eliminated and suppressed; to eliminate competition so as to control and fix markets; to suppress and control employee wages by limiting opportunity and instilling fear; to steal commonly owned community property for selfish private use and private gain; to raise confiscatory taxes on the residents to fund the city gangster activities; to pay themselves grossly outrageous fat salaries and piggishly lavish retirement packages, etc.; keep in mind that all of this gross corruption is still going on as we speak and it is taking place now at an ever accelerated pace as the middle class is intentionally being decimated.

The lack of Justice for Michelle O’Connell must not be viewed in its singularity. Rather it should be seen as a milestone marker of the arrogance that develops when the ‘rule of law’ is so morally violated for the selfish gain of the over aggressive and bullying sociopathic few. That gross moral compromise now runs throughout ALL government and is presently swallowing up many of the smaller businesses that have in the past supported it; witness the state’s ‘special appointed flunky’, State Attorney Brad King, deciding to NOT empanel a grand jury in this so transparently odious issue. The fight for justice for Michelle O’Connell is the fight for fairness for all of us. City workers, retail employees, city residents, tourist factory customers, etc., all who have been screwed out of their Civil Rights, fair wages, their public commons, the quiet enjoyment of their private property, and that have been been oppressed by this criminal activity, should use BREAK THE SILENCE!, BOYCOTT!, and JUSTICE FOR MICHELLE!, as their rallying cry.

It is time to start making protest signs. This arrogance can not be allowed to stand. Saint George Street, formerly one of the nations oldest public forums but now privatized (read stolen by gangsters), beckons.

PS: And here Mr. Slavin I would like to point out that you neglected to mention that Michelle O’Connell’s “boyfriend” (NOT!) — WHO WAS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF THE GUN THAT KILLED HER — has a name, it is JEREMY BANKS. JEREMY BANKS, who just had A YEAR OFF WITH PAY, and is currently riding around in one of those Saint John’s County Sheriffs police cars. Which brings to any sane person’s mind the question, “Where are all the good apple brave and fearless cops on this issue?”

Just as the citizens of this community must grow some balls and get out on the streets in protest, so too must the “good apple” cops (if there are any, I am seriously beginning to doubt it) rise up and very forcefully throw out the rotten apples.