Friday, April 10, 2015


Front page article in today's St. Augustine Record about a Flagler College Town and Gown Task Force meeting. No advance notice on City's calendar. No advance notice on The Flagler College Town and Gown Task Force Facebook page. Pitiful. Our City Manager, JOHN PATRICK REGAN, P.E., has been allowed to do another end-run around Sunshine law requirements. Enough.
His last foray and sashay out of the Sunshine was with the First America Foundation, Inc., which he and then-Mayor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, JR. cooked up as a way of outsourcing the 450th. We stopped them, with eighteen of us hiring Holland & Knight.
The saga continues.
As I once explained to a reporter with The New York Times, St. Augustine resembles "Twin Peaks" with beaches.
Enough corruption and lawbreaking.
Enough slow dancing with Flagler College.

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